What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?


Car Nut

Mopar Master
Dec 28, 2018
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I never make them, but I've been paying off debt in 2023, so I reckon that'll continue.
to vanquish my enemies and devour their souls. launch a full scale offensive against dipshit tesla and prius drivers. let the women of three separate continents enjoy the love of my sweet embrace. fight a land war in asia-- and win. fix my bbq. build more cars. and take some time off to enjoy driving my barracuda. and play with my cats more.
Mine is....Don't die. Pretty simple and should be easy to keep but, one of these years I will fail to keep it...lol
I've been working on getting organized and getting rid of clutter - of which I have far too much. Sell it, give it away, donate it, recycle it, throw it away. I don't care, I just need to be able to get work done in the shop without having to slither between piles of stuff.
Old man Ray beat me to it! To not make any more damn resolutions.....
I want to give a little less to my employer and a little more to my family.

I took a promotion on December 1st and the two people that replaced me do not yet have access to the systems to do their job, so I'm having to still do it and my new job too. 12 - 14 hours, 7 days a week is getting old.
I don’t make resolutions, but I do resolve to do things that I want. Many of the same things listed above. My garage is a mess, lost 2 relatives last year and the remnants of their homes are now in my garage. On top of that, I’ve been working on Nellas new bedroom suite, so there’s also a lot of construction materials in there. So, I’m going to make a point of cleaning out the garage and get Nellas car in for some much needed attention. There’s also the engine install for the 66 Barracuda. There, I made a resolution to do that stuff, and I’m sticking to it.