What are you thankful for?



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
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What for the FABO folks thankful for? I'll start. As some of you may remember, I had a Lung Transplant last Dec. and have done just GREAT!! There is something else that I am much more thankful for. Tomorrow it will be 7 years to the day since my wife had Cancer surgery. There has been NO signs of it since.

How about the rest of you?

PS Serious or silly.
I am thankful everyday, for everything I have, and everything I receive, both good and bad! The bad helps me grow and learn, and the good rewards me for always trying! I don't need all of the toys to win, I'm not trying to win!! Just succeed!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!
Thankful for all the good Lord has given me.

It doesn't hurt being 11 years out from Lung cancer and removal of my R lung!
I'm STILL thankful to my primary care doctor for sending me to the hospital for the angiogram that showed the blockage in one of the arteries in my heart last year a stent was put in place,feeling great since.Also thankful to my beautiful wife for everything she does and to my beautiful daughters for being who they are.Everyone here have a GREAT day!!!
I am thankful to God Almighty, for all life presents me. It is not always good. But that is life.

Thankful for making it thru open heart surgery, to be here to help my wife thru all that life brings our way. I am blessed.