What makes a woman strong?

I Know a girl I feel that way about........yes I told her....now I feel stupid..............so?
/6 Matt- don't let the raggin' on ya get you down-if we didn't like you we wouldn't rag on you. Consider it a rite of passage.

Yeah, some of us get burned by the lady train (me included), but if most of us would admit it, we'd be lost without the other half (me included here as well)

In the end, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks-if the 2 of you wake up happy to see each other every day and it works for both of you; then count yourself lucky.

My wife and I have a deal we live by--"If it'll matter in 20 years we'll fight it out. If it won't we won't waste the time and negative energy fighting about it."

Just an old farts (54) humble opinion. Good luck to you!
My husband and I started dating when we were your age. Still together after 22 years, married 18, we're both 39 years old. Seems rare nowadays, but we did it.
I thought you must have of had a good faithful puppy dog. They never talk back and always will give you comfort.

Exactly what I was thinking .
I've been married to a great woman for 34 years. During that time hes been my drinking buddy, fishing buddy, everything else.
Still the one girl who fits that original comments is Nikita, my Alaskan Husky.
/6 Matt,count your blessings !!! 27 years here,and still hanging in there !!!Your girl most definitely sounds like a keeper !!!:angel8:
If it makes you feel any better, Kitty and I fall into the catagory where "over 90% of marriages fail" according to Dr. Phool. December 5th we will be married 17 years.
I Know a girl I feel that way about........yes I told her....now I feel stupid..............so?
I'm sorry dude. I had my trials before I met Kay. I was rejected, crushed even, by two other girls before I found her. The second girl led me on too...

/6 Matt- don't let the raggin' on ya get you down-if we didn't like you we wouldn't rag on you. Consider it a rite of passage.

Yeah, some of us get burned by the lady train (me included), but if most of us would admit it, we'd be lost without the other half (me included here as well)

In the end, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks-if the 2 of you wake up happy to see each other every day and it works for both of you; then count yourself lucky.

My wife and I have a deal we live by--"If it'll matter in 20 years we'll fight it out. If it won't we won't waste the time and negative energy fighting about it."

Just an old farts (54) humble opinion. Good luck to you!
I never did let it get me down. And thanks for the great advice on the pointless fighting.

My husband and I started dating when we were your age. Still together after 22 years, married 18, we're both 39 years old. Seems rare nowadays, but we did it.
Congadulations dustergal, it's good to hear that there's at least some shred of hope for a high school relationship.

If it makes you feelany better, Kitty and fall into the catagory where "over 90% of marriages fail" according to Dr. Phool. December 5th we will be married 17 years.
Which catagory is that?
Joyce and I have been together for 35 years now (36 come January 22!). It can last, but it takes both people to be supportive, strong, intuitive, giving, and loving. Being in love when there are no issues or problems is easy. What counts is being there for each other, when there are issue, problems an adversity that you have to get through. That when you find out how much you love and are loved.

I hope you come to know the joys of a strong and long lasting relationship.
I read this last night on face book...
Posted by a high school friend and I am not sure where he found it but its cute!

They're oversensitive, indecisve, emotional, clingy, slow to get ready, over-concerned with there looks, insecure, gossipy and once a month they turn into th ebiggest bitches you'll ever know. Sometimes simultaneously in a group too. They also have no libido so if you piss your's off, you're garunteed to be cut off for a while.
I made mine wait 16 years before we got married,I wanted to be sure LOL.We have been married 4 years this january.
I've been with my wife Laurie going on 19 years now. She's been my love since the day I met her. She's loving, smart, beautiful, faithful, a wonderful mother, a wonderful wife, and she loves me. She can't cook though. We use our oven for storage. All in all though I've been truly blessed. MMG
Well I was once young dumb and full of c-m. 19 to be exact. This June will be our 40th. My mother told my wife as we exited the church." I give it 6 months." Sometimes I think she stuck with me just to spite her. Lucky me.
It's hard to find a good woman.I think almost all of them are crazy.Boy are you going to get alot of B.S. from the Guys here...LOL

Crazy. or stuck up or too demanding or too worry about the long term.

There are good ones out there but too many are not worth all the hassle

I learn not to get hung up on any certain gal. Seems like too many aren't worth it. Yeah i get lonely at times, oh well. Better then being in a screw up relationship or having to kiss too much *** too often.

Good luck, hope you can walk away if it comes to it. Relationships take much work, I'm too lazy so many I should not give much advice
If you ever wanted proof that Mopar guys (and gals) are a different kind of people, just look at the number of marriages that are working here.
I met mine online; first face to face on a Friday night, saw her again Sun, engaged by midnight, married a month later. Oct. 14 will be 5 years. It just takes being committed to
each other. Been a lot of bad stuff happen but there's also been a lot of joy.
(Now if I can just dark-hole enough for another Mope....lol)