What to do what to do



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Kindersley, Saskatchewan,
I have a few members that have wanted stuff. They agree to my price and the shipping. Send me their info, ask for my pay pal, then nothing. Should I put their info out for everyone to see? Then members can make their own decisions to deal with them or not? Is there already a list? I know that I have inquired about parts, then have passed on them, but I let the seller know that I’m passing on the part. Thanks. Kim
IMO since no money has been exchanged and only words (although broken promise in a way) its still not enough to slander their name. They may have had a life situation come up. Yes I agree they should let you know they have to pass on buying it. I know its frustrating, but its only feelings at this point, would be different if either party lost out on money or a part.
I agree, that is why I didn’t post them up for everyone to see. Yes it’s frustrating as I have 5 here already. Probably more. Oh well, their boxed up and ready to ship to the person that actually wants them. Kim
Notify them that you are putting the items back up for sale if you don't here from them in "x" days. That's what I've done, sometimes they pay up, other times they don't.
It's just too bad you are up north & I'm down south. I'd like to rummage through what you have to see what I could use. I'm not looking for anything in particular because I need to get the 416 block tubed for solid rollers none of the machine shops close to me want to fool with it.
Notify them that you are putting the items back up for sale if you don't here from them in "x" days. That's what I've done, sometimes they pay up, other times they don't.

Best thing to do. Give them a chance (a day or two) and then contact them and tell them they are going back up for sale the next day. They should be courteous enough to let you know what's going on.
Best thing to do. Give them a chance (a day or two) and then contact them and tell them they are going back up for sale the next day. They should be courteous enough to let you know what's going on.
I did, no reply back. And u can see they never read the conversation again. Kim
I did, no reply back. And u can see they never read the ad again. Kim
Bump them back up for sale. Frustrating I know. I was just looking to see who it might be and saw that you asked for prices on 3 sale ads. (same guy) I have been correcting that and I sent him a little personal message to let him know. :mob:
to quote one of the vilest women of our generation
"the boy with the cold hard cash is always mr. right"
I've had that happen to me. Yeah you shouldn't put names out there. No big deal. Just tell them your moving on. Next in line. Sometimes people jump the gun or don't quite have the money. Or etc.....
When i change my mind or find something local, i let original seller know plans changed.
Its frustrating, as bad as the lowballers.
Happened to me several times in the past. That is why I put people on my ignore list so it doesn’t happen again. Only those that send empty promises. And I know one for sure that has gotten Kim and myself.
I have a few members that have wanted stuff. They agree to my price and the shipping. Send me their info, ask for my pay pal, then nothing. Should I put their info out for everyone to see? Then members can make their own decisions to deal with them or not? Is there already a list? I know that I have inquired about parts, then have passed on them, but I let the seller know that I’m passing on the part. Thanks. Kim

WHAT TO DO , WHAT TO DO --------------had a guy tell me twice he had a reduction pulley for a big block , and he would get a measurement when he went back to his storage place/garage , hasnt happened !!
Kim, theres some that have responded to this thread I will deal with again and theres ONE I WONT! A pain in the *** to deal with. Im currently dealing with one up here and I'm ignoring messages.
One way to weed out wheat from the chaff is to charge xx amount of $$ for shipping.(over estimate it) and tell them you will offer a refund IF its cheaper.
Good luck
What to do?

Sell the item elsewhere. They obviously don’t care or can’t be bothered to communicate. “IF” it is a life thing, then it’s far more important than parts or what you think of them anyway. I don’t hold stuff for those who are not serious. I do require deposits or stuff is still for sale. Ya, I’m a dick. But I don’t like being dicked around.
When I buy I’m serious. Likewise when I sell.
As much as I can I always ship in usps flat rate boxes, that way shipping prices are known up front. But there are times when that is not an option.
I agree with re contacting folks once, I have had buyers that got side tracked or forgot,,,but I have also had buyers that just disappeared,,,that is just one of the bummer things when people are involved.