what to do with rabbits in the garden

think I am going to try the fox piss and maybe piss around the perimeter myself. I am not too worried about the neighbors. The only one near me are in their mid 80's and she has probably forgotten what it is for if she would see me so I am good there. I have heard about the marigolds and may try that too. Thanks for the suggestions.
Well, If you don't like your garden smelling like a toilet at a local bus station, another method is simply placing fresh orange peels through out and around the garden. Rabbits stay away from the smell of orange peels for some reason, but humans find it to be pleasant (most of the time).
...plus, you can get your daily dose of Vitamin C, (which the human can not store).

A cat is still the best deterrent for rabbits, though, and their fun, too.
thanks Frankie. I could just get a cat and keep him in the fenced in garden.....................and hope he doesn't like to eat veggies.
lol....Maybe this guy can help..............


All seriousness aside, have you talked with someone from animal control in the area? They may have some advice acceptable for your area and any restrictions.
I put chilly powder around my small garden. My critters are squirrels. Have to reapply often.
Another option is to enclose that other garden......then make the rabbits one of their own. lol
Rabbits in the garden... Hmmm...

How about rabbit salad???
My wife and I went into the garden one morn. and were astonished to see a rabbit come out from under something green, and hurl itself at the deer fence around the garden,, and equally astonished as it passed thru a 3in. X 4 in. slot in the fence about 3 ft up..

We had already experienced one rabbit a yr before,, and had put 2 ft high chicken wire around the lower fence..

We now have an 18 inch buried "apron" of chicken wire and 4 ft high of it around the bottom of the fence, overlapping the "apron" at the base.

Fingers are crossed..

hope it helps
well, I can tell you that at this point that there are 3 less rabbits to worry about. Marlin took care of them with a little help from me. You might say I pointed him in the right direction. LOL
Go to a beauty parlor and ask them to save you some human hair and spread it out around garden. Pet hair will not do, I have done this and it worked for me. Good lukc they are pesky varmits.