whats the most strangest thing you have seen in public

I saw a guy with no hair(bald) that had hair tattooed on his head and at first I thought he had hair.

I knew a girl with butterflies tattoos on her earlobes. Oh wait, that was more of a hot thing. Different thread.......
I saw a mobile home being moved down the highway, didn't think anything of it till I saw the side. ALL the tires on one side had burnt,:eek:ops: the side above them was roasted,the aluminum siding was burnt away, and worst of all the back end of the trailer was held up by a wrecker going backwards at 65 mph!:scratch:
I was driving one night on a two lane blacktop road in Montana. One of the really dark ones. A wet drizzly snow was falling so it was especially dark. All of a sudden I saw an old Jeep pulled off the road in the ditch. I slowed to see what was the deal. As I got closer I could make out a low, moving form right in the center of the road. As I slowed more to figure out if there was something I needed to be involved with I could see a human squatted down straddling the center line. All of a sudden I was close enough to see a pair of butt cheeks with about an eight inch turd hanging out. I quickly realized THAT was NOT something I needed to be involved with so I swept wide and went around the sicko man who decided the center of the highway was a toilet!!!
Downtown Los Angeles , in an alley between 9th and 10th , just east of Alameda .

Those streets are one-way ( 9th runs west , 10th runs east ) ; I parked my delivery vehicle on 9th for easy access to I-10 , and walked down the alley to a shop on 10th. In said alley , I saw a hobo "parked" ***-first against a building's wall ( this is east Skid Row after all ) , but didn't think anything of it .

5 minutes later , I'm walking back through that same alley when I saw why that hobo was against the wall :
There was a big ol' shotgun blast of diarrhea on the wall :tongue2:.
The best part was the item used to "clean up" with : a t-shirt with "I LOVE L.A." silkscreened on it !
Soon as I saw that , the Randy Newman song started playing in my head .

I couldn't stop laughing for about 10 minutes after seeing that .

Then there's this hobo I used to see in North Hollywood .
He'd sit "Indian Style" on the shoulder of the Roscoe Bl to CA 170 on ramp holding a sign which read : "Will WORK for KARMA" .

I brought a camera to work with me and snapped a photo of him
( which pissed the guy for -some- reason ... :pirat: ) while I was waiting for a green light before the on ramp .

I misplaced the photo ... :cwm21:

Not to ruin your story but calling a common bum a "hobo" is a pet peeve of mine. A real hobo would be greatly offended at the thought of being mistaken for a common bum.
Not to ruin your story but calling a common bum a "hobo" is a pet peeve of mine. A real hobo would be greatly offended at the thought of being mistaken for a common bum.
What would you prefer Residentially Challenged? Oh I know how about Urban Explorers.
I was traveling on the mass pike ( I-90 ) to Boston for a Red sox / Yankee game and a guy passed me in the fast lane driving in reverse doing about 75 MPH in a toyota camery. I kept up with him from a distance of course, to see how far he was goin. He drove at least 40 miles that way till he got off an exit. It was unbelivable.
That isn't a "strangest thing moment," this easily quailfies as a WTF moment.
Walking post between two towers at a Pershing Missle storage area. Saw two protesters doing the doggy outside the fenceline. Had to stop and watch, it was my job to observe and report after all. Five minutes in, I realized it was two dudes. I decided to just report....

Rev, where was that? I was stationed in Germany too guarding Pershing missles. Was it RedLeg. I know you guys are laughing at this but , it's the truth- that WAS the name of the base!
I was at a Monsters Of Rock Concert in Nuremberg Germany in '86. I was at the top (inside on seats/bleachers) and there was this German guy scaling up the side of this coliseum to sneak into the concert. He got all the way to the top and the rope snapped. I couldn't even watch. I looked over the wall and he was lying there on a bunch of broken glass. I thought I was hallucinating. When I looked back, a crowd of people were moving him away. never did find out if he survived- Poor dude.
Not to ruin your story but calling a common bum a "hobo" is a pet peeve of mine. A real hobo would be greatly offended at the thought of being mistaken for a common bum.
I understand the difference . One of my uncles ( mom's much-older brother ) was a Hobo during The Depression ; travelled by train across the country ( ostensibly in an illicit manner ) .
He consumed tooth paste .

I don't like the term "bum" , as it's a blanket statement . I especially don't like the term in light of the recent tragedy in Fullerton ( Ca. ) . That poor , mentally-ill fellow was called a "bum" .
( R.I.P. Kelly Thomas :angel7: ) .

Never-the-less , I do appreciate the fact that you've brought this to light :happy7:
  • seen woman drive north bound I-5 with bowl of salsa in one hand and bag of chips in other
  • seen black dude wearing cowboy hat that said "white trash"....looked awesome lol
  • seen gangster dude smash his nuts on a hand rail in a Burger King...lmfao
  • seen a horse with scoliosis
  • seen a very very high level engineer at my job with her pants down around her ankles....I walked up,,,,,she gave me orders and a verbal tie in on what need to be done on a project....and she acted like nothing was going on...and so did I..lol
  • seen 2 whores and some nasty slummy guy f'ing in the bushes next to the front doors of a bar
  • seen a drunk guy slam a Corona that people had spent 20 min. ashing their cig's into
  • when I was in France, I walked into a bar and saw a group of Japanese tourists singing kareoke to american country music.
could keep going

[*]when I lived in the trailer park (yah I know) I saw a trailer fall off its blocks onto the guy underneath it....he was setting it alone....big no no......was awesome.....windows exploded out, and trailer looked like a broken barrito

[*]seen a deaf girl with a runny nose wipe her nose with her arm, she started wiping at her knuckles and wiped all of the way to her elbow/bicep area.

[*]seen my dad fall off of a chair while replacing a light fixture,,,,,the back of the chair was high,,,,had 2 posts on the back that stuck out higher than the slats between them......the post jammed into my dads *** and he was suspened in the air for about 1-2 seconds by the chair.
Weird at the time, I was about 12 and watched my uncle all 5'10 of him tell 2 men to get a life and leave my mom alone at a dinner and one man stood up out of his booth and before he could get any words out I watch my uncle kick him in the chest and grabbed the other guy and drug the two of them out of the dinner, everyone watched him slap them like they was children with an open hand and kicked them to the ground and pointed his finger at them yelling something Scared the chit out of me seeing him move like that. I was always told he was an air plain mechanic, after I got older I learned he was air born and was a mechanic with a bad temper RIP unk, you was a great father to me when I needed one.
My arrival to Navy boot camp at the 22nd street gate in Chicago. This guy comes running across the street from the bars. His forearm was cut open from his wrist to his elbo, splayed wide open.... Welcome to boot camp !!
Whilst I was a wasted youth living in NYC. I watched a homeless women hike up her dress and urinate on the sidewalk in broad daylight, and nobody even batted an eye.......
Saw a Pontiac Firebird get pulled out of river in central California. Driver and passengers had been drinking and driven off the road on the top of the levee into the river. None of them got out of the car when it went in the water.
The bodies of the driver and front seat passenger fell out of the car when they opened the doors after pulling the car out of the water.
Narrow 2-lane road on top of the levee. We were towing a 32-foot 5th wheel behind us and the local cop wanted us to turn the whole rig around and go the other way - our trailer alone was longer than the road was wide.
Don't know about strange, but hilarious. We were sitting in traffic waiting to get on the George Washington in NY and a Furd pinto was trying to squeeze by a tractor trailer making a right turn. Just about the time he got next to the trailer tires the semi started moving and ran up and over the left front fender of the Pinto squishing it like a bug. LMAO
True story, used to live in Idaho, (no potato farmer jokes plz) adnwe moved out here to pa, well on the way back here drive by three girls in a station wagon, two were in the back seat one was driving, well the driver had n top one, (wont go in to details) and the two in the back were well way beyond topless and not using seat belts.............. dont get it how people didnt notice it
This, but in a purpleish color with pink pok-a-dots.



Nothing says quality product like a new car that chooses to just use a cheap sealed beam light for a headlight.
I watched an Army captain chew a new asshole at three other troops (don't know the reason) then watched him turn around, walk away (in a hurry), pullout his cell stare at it and walk right smack in a metal pole which put him on his ***, much to the delight of those three troops. To make matters worse the ground was wet and the captain was wearing his nice dress uniform.
Karma maybe?
when I was 10 and spending the summer with my dad in Vegas I was sitting up front in the car at an intersection and I saw a ford escort run a red light, swerve out of control and smash head on into a truck, sending the driver of the escort through their windshield, through the trucks windshield, and halfway out the back glass. that same week I was at another light and saw a guy stick a sawn-off shotgun out his window and shoot into the passengers side window of another car then sped off. had to sit there for 3 hours while the police took down witness reports.
Well since most of these experiences are either bordering on perverse to flat out morbid I decided to post one of my strange experiences. So here it goes my story gentlemen.

It was the summer of 2001 and I was a young furniture delivery guy. My job on this afternoon was to deliver a bedroom set to a middle class suburb in Moreno Valley, California. Well across the street I noticed this pretty attractive looking older woman walking around her front yard. I go inside thinking nothing of it, begin assembling the bedroom set, then realize I had to go back outside to the delivery truck to get some tool. Well as I am exiting the truck the same woman is outside on her front lawn, skirt hiked up, basically turning around flashing her thong. Now is that strange or what?