When you have just that one video posted on YewToob

I can see that, but I wouldn’t want it to be on the web lol.
I think the first thing most of us think when we watched that video was we wish he could have drawn back n elbowed her before knocking the guy's nose sideways, and not gone to jail.

Sounds like you're one who would find it embarrassing perhaps?

Now which part is that?
The part of being with her skagly *** to begin with ..?
Or the part where shes gettin back doored by the local junk hauler guy...?

I think the first thing most of us think when we watched that video was we wish he could have drawn back n elbowed her before knocking the guy's nose sideways, and not gone to jail.

Sounds like you're one who would find it embarrassing perhaps?

Now which part is that?
The part of being with her skagly *** to begin with ..?
Or the part where shes gettin back doored by the local junk hauler guy...?

I think it’s embarrassing to put any personal **** like that online. Especially these old people in there 50s
I think it’s embarrassing to put any personal **** like that online. Especially these old people in there 50s
So you're the prideful or are you the self-conscious type? You've never watched any reality TV and been entertained? How about Fear Factor? Imagine if your daughter was the one that down the whole pint of donkey jizz... there's all kinds of levels of embarrassing, as embarrassing as this may seem it's far less than other things... like the parents or brother of that girl guzzling donkey jizz on national TV...AND PISS. I will also point out that that is one of the things Hollywood brought us and slipped by that nobody paid attention to, which was bestiality on National evening television for all ages to see. It got past everybody
So you're the prideful or are you the self-conscious type? You've never watched any reality TV and been entertained? How about Fear Factor? Imagine if your daughter was the one that down the whole pint of donkey jizz... there's all kinds of levels of embarrassing, as embarrassing as this may seem it's far less than other things... like the parents or brother of that girl guzzling donkey jizz on national TV...AND PISS. I will also point out that that is one of the things Hollywood brought us and slipped by that nobody paid attention to, which was bestiality on National evening television for all ages to see. It got past everybody
Just think of the poor gal who had to harvest all those pints
That’s a dick head any man and I mean MAN would never do another man’s wife. Should be taught a lesson by hand. The slut wife should be down the road Kickin stones talking to herself my opinion
That’s a dick head any man and I mean MAN would never do another man’s wife. Should be taught a lesson by hand. The slut wife should be down the road Kickin stones talking to herself my opinion
See.. i have never understood why people get mad at the person banging their partner, that person made no commitment to you.... all the anger should be at the person cheating.
See.. i have never understood why people get mad at the person banging their partner, that person made no commitment to you.... all the anger should be at the person cheating.
I agree, the anger should be towards the person cheating, but I think anyone who knowingly engages with someone who's already with another person is a POS. Let the chick clean up her mess, then we can talk.

And who knows, she might not have told the other man she was married or separated. Although meeting at a hotel should be a pretty big clue...
I agree, the anger should be towards the person cheating, but I think anyone who knowingly engages with someone who's already with another person is a POS. Let the chick clean up her mess, then we can talk.

And who knows, she might not have told the other man she was married or separated. Although meeting at a hotel should be a pretty big clue...
Cracks me up when some girl gets with a guy who is 2 timing his wife, but she is convinced he'll never do her wrong
If I had video of my ex cheating it would be all over the internet, hell I would have rented a bill board and and put the photos on it and sent video to her parents.
When I caught my first wife cheating I confronted her, she confessed, and then I told her to take her **** and get the **** out. The guy was a douchebag, have no doubt that he knew she was married, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she fucked around on him too. My only real regret was not kicking her skank *** to the curb years earlier.
What i love is when a guy or woman finds a partner that they know has cheated and thinks they won't do it to them...