When you realize you are, in fact, short



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Manchester, MD
So Josh is 15 and is a qtr inch taller than me. We use to think we are normal height.
Until this past weekend. This past weekend was our area's Royal Ranger Sectional Powwow.
We haven't seen these other 2 boys for 3 years. The Adidas shirt kid is also 15 and his brother on the other side is 14.

I think we got shorted, literally. LOLOLOL


i am of pure Dutch stock, so we got some tall genes
out of my generation, my sister is the oldest, i am second oldest and there is probable a dozen our so of us (cousins)
at 6 feet even, i am the runt of the litter

every single one of my male cousins are taller then i am, and about half of my female cousins are taller then i am

and when i say "taller" i dont mean, a hair splitting, maybe wearing thicker soles 1/4 of an inch, i mean several inches
Well I've seen it go one of either way..
You can either let it plague you in your thoughts and your worries and concerns all your life which I don't recommend or like some know it embrace it and use it to your advantage...
I'm on the taller side not really tall but anybody who ever says I wish I was taller like you I said yeah until you hit your head on that corner of a cupboard.... OUCH!!!..
There's advantages on a lot of days but some days not so much....
Well I've seen it go one of either way..
You can either let it plague you in your thoughts and your worries and concerns all your life which I don't recommend or like some know it embrace it and use it to your advantage...
I'm on the taller side not really tall but anybody who ever says I wish I was taller like you I said yeah until you hit your head on that corner of a cupboard.... OUCH!!!..
There's advantages on a lot of days but some days not so much....
There have been a few times early on I'm my marriage I have given the wife an ultimatum "either you start closing those cupboard, or I'm taking every single one of em off"

Didn't bother her none if they were open, she'd just walk right under those doors, but I'd knock my head on em every single time
So Josh is 15 and is a qtr inch taller than me. We use to think we are normal height.
Until this past weekend. This past weekend was our area's Royal Ranger Sectional Powwow.
We haven't seen these other 2 boys for 3 years. The Adidas shirt kid is also 15 and his brother on the other side is 14.

I think we got shorted, literally. LOLOLOL

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He’s stocky though. Probably take ‘‘em both at once.
You really Have to hand it to short people, because they cant reach it.
My girl friend is 3ft 4 "
And she has heard all the jokes!
I stopped by to check out your car Sunday sorry I missed you. It still looks great!!!
i always say " if it weren't for people like me, you wouldn't be taller than anybody." i used to be a whopping 5'6'' but age has shrunk me down to 5'5''.
At 6 ft 7 inches, most people are shorter than me, yet somehow my wife manages to lose me in most stores.
On the rare occasions that I meet someone who is taller than I am, that's impressive. I used to live in the same neighborhood as a couple of professional football players, one was 6 ft 9, the other 6 ft 10, was always interesting to run into one of them.
I'm 5.4 and I had a guy working for me who was 6.7 and was an amateur boxer.
There was a recall on Vegas that we had to take the windshield out and then the dealer would replace the metal dash section as they were rusting. I always sent Hoss to go pick up the car. He used to curse me. He was a great guy though and considered him my compliant dept. I would stand on a wooden coke crate to talk to him and he would be laughing. We all had a lot of fun
I was 6'2" at 14 and grew another inch by 18.

I went to HS with a guy that was 6'7". He had to time his step perfectly not to hit the top bar of a 6'8" doorway.

Today I worked with a young lady that was 5'1". We got some comments from people in the hallway.

My wife is 5'3".
I went to university back in 80's with a couple that played national level sports. He was 7 1 and played volleyball, and his girlfriend was 6 10 and played basketball. My best buddy is 6 5, and it was priceless to see him look up to talk to them.