When you see this you'll want one

Ahhh, a member of the more money then brains club
Ahhh, a member of the more money then brains club

Wow, I put this on here because I love cars in general and I thought you guys did too. Two negative responses right off the bat. And if the comment above was directed at me, that was just mean and uncalled for. Did I say I bought this? NO. I know there are others on this board that will appreciate this Golf cart for the COOL FACTOR that it is. MMG
MMG that is cool and they have a nice options for it too.
Hey MMG, I'm with you! I like it. Cute idea and if I had the spare cash and the need for one I'd sure look into it.
Too bad they don't have a Mopar-style on their website.
MMG that is cool and they have a nice options for it too.

Thanks Cliff. I just wish more people on here could be more positive and help one another rather than hurling insults. I understand that everyone might not like this, and that's fine, but lets be civilized. Hope you're doing well my friend. MMG
Thanks Cliff. I just wish more people on here could be more positive and help one another rather than hurling insults. I understand that everyone might not like this, and that's fine, but lets be civilized. Hope you're doing well my friend. MMG

I am good MMG.Hope you are.That would be great for riding around in the neighborhoods
Wow, I put this on here because I love cars in general and I thought you guys did too. Two negative responses right off the bat. And if the comment above was directed at me, that was just mean and uncalled for. Did I say I bought this? NO. I know there are others on this board that will appreciate this Golf cart for the COOL FACTOR that it is. MMG

Hey MMG do ya' remember what happened to Max340 when he said I had more brains than money ?

Anyway that golf cart is bada$$ .
I always wanted to put classic car bodies on go-carts back in the late 80's !
Drop a fiberglass Studebaker or GTO body on it and Id buy two lmao.
Wow, I put this on here because I love cars in general and I thought you guys did too. Two negative responses right off the bat. And if the comment above was directed at me, that was just mean and uncalled for. Did I say I bought this? NO. I know there are others on this board that will appreciate this Golf cart for the COOL FACTOR that it is. MMG

My reply was far from being negative. I'm simply not attracted to those types of cars. Or golf...
thats pretty cool... there is a lead tech at my work that has a pull behind camper set up in beth-page and they drive around on those things in there. they have all their golf carts tricked out. mag wheels, flame jobs and the sort. they would love this.
Wow, I put this on here because I love cars in general and I thought you guys did too. Two negative responses right off the bat. And if the comment above was directed at me, that was just mean and uncalled for. Did I say I bought this? NO. I know there are others on this board that will appreciate this Golf cart for the COOL FACTOR that it is. MMG

Nothing negative from me. How can you not love the ingenuity that went into that? And it looks freakin' awesome! Thanks for the pic!
Looks cool to me......do they offer a 4x4 version?? Would not be bad to bomb around on out here in the winter.......