Where to Go on Vacation This Year


Ma Snart

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score
Burlington Wi
Trying to decide which Paris to see this year. What do think?


  • Paris, France.jpg
    118.8 KB · Views: 425
  • Paris, Kentucky.jpg
    182 KB · Views: 408
I think the first time I saw that photo I was running Whinehozed-95, but it's still a great shot

Paris, Kentucky...MY EYES, MY EYES, I'M BLIND!!!...LMAO...
Damn - I thought the 2nd photo was taken at Paris Virginia. Same type of honeys there too! LMAO!
That Kentucky gal is going to lose about 400 lb when that thong splits her in half. Just saying.
The blonde opposite the two is my daughter. Not joking.

Just wanted to add this. My daughter told me sometime after that pic surfaced a co worker showed it to them.

The girl was so embarrassed she quit her job and attempted sucide. Also not a joke.
Now that makes sense Ray. Every woman knows hanging out with a couple rotund chicks makes ya look that much more attractive.

What??? I've always been honest with FABO. Why stop now??
Now that makes sense Ray. Every woman knows hanging out with a couple rotund chicks makes ya look that much more attractive.

What??? I've always been honest with FABO. Why stop now??

I respect your honesty. Same reason ugly guys hang with us Adonis types to pick up the cast asides.

Then again I seem to think attractive women hang in groups.
kentucky. Theres 3 of them!njust close your eyes

If you close your eyes you'll probably think there are 5...

"Hey, is that your sister next to you?", you ask with your eyes closed.
- "No silly, that's my other leg!" *giggles* ... ... ...

gotta make sure you always travel with a wing man....need some one to take the grenade now and then....
That's what is called corn fed,always wondered why the killer bodied good lookin girls hung around the big gals [or vice versa] makes em look that much better an the big gals can get the throwaways i suppose. Ray your daughter don't need no help in the looks dept. you an her mom done a good job.
That's what is called corn fed,always wondered why the killer bodied good lookin girls hung around the big gals [or vice versa] makes em look that much better an the big gals can get the throwaways i suppose. Ray your daughter don't need no help in the looks dept. you an her mom done a good job.

Her mom gets ALL the credit trust me.
So in the end I want to go to France and my wife wants to go to Kentucky

My just stay home
go to Paris Ontario , I did and went to bed with the French Girl but woke up with the American Doh darn Canadian beer
No I've never gone to bed with a girl that ugly , woke up with a few but it's to late for the bag then ,just slide out of the bed and get dressed in the car