Why Boxer dog's die young

Mike have you checked out this link? http://www.barfworld.com/

Barfworld...bad name, good info.

Mike, be careful about changing foods too quickly as it can lead to upset stomach and loose stool. Best to switch diet over a 10-day to 2 week period, adding a little of the new with a bit less of the old, slowly increasing the new food and eliminating the old.

If you're feeding your own concoction, be careful not to overfeed. I'm a firm believer that obesity creates an unhealthy dog (or child for that matter!).
Good thread...looks like I'm getting here a bit late. I had a boxer puppy...Baxter...last year that was only with me for a couple of months. One day he was acting strange and had some diarrhea so I took him to the vet. They did all the blood work and tests that would rule out viral/bacterial/etc issues and put some fluid under his skin. After I got him home he continued expelling "fluid" from both ends. He got really weak so I took him to an animal hospital and he was so dehydrated they were unable to do anything for him. I only had him for a short while, but I was in pretty bad shape that night :(

Here he is with my Boxador (boxer-lab mix) Charlie (she's a girl).


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So, to continue the story...after Baxter died I wasn't really looking for another dog, but I was cruising craigslist one day and found the strangest mix I've ever heard of:

Abby, the German Shepard/Sharpei...

(at about 8 weeks and another one at about 5 months)


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2nd boss's boxer.. him name is cooter

his first boxer just dropped dead as someone stated in this forum. we let him out to find him laying in the yard dead. his name was mack.

as for dogs eating, i have a mut and she eats every type of human food she can and shes over 10 and no problems at all.
My first Boxer Jake lived 14 years. He was a big boy not fat, big at 80 lbs.He was twice the size of the rest of the litter.He was all white and had eye problems.My second Boxer Butch is 11 years old.I adopted Butch when he was 5years old,and he has never had any health issues.But the old man does have alittle arthritis now.Who said they don't live long????LOL

These pics are of Butch his black mask is turning white.


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Here is my new rescue. Chase is a 9 month old male that i've had for 3 days now.


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Hey Mike,
Finally found some pics of Bullit. Enjoy, We did, and still are.


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Abby is turning into a good looking dog.

Thanks...she is over a year old now, but I don't have any recent pictures. I also just rescued a 11 month old full-blood St. Bernard (Bella) a few weeks ago. My friend's neighbor was going to have her put to sleep because he was moving. Makes no sense to me because she is a very sweet and LARGE puppy. She's probably right at 100lbs now.


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A few more of Butch.He just will not look at the camera


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Not a boxer story, but...

A friend of mine (Frog, he was a fishing guide) had a beautiful redbone hound puppy, he named Rufus. Frog was out chipping golfballs into the lake where he lived (his brother was a marina diver and the balls made for good practice) and Rufus walked up under his legs during his backswing and caught a mouthfull of 9-iron. He rushed the pup to the vet and he ended up being Ok, but his snout was pretty messed up and even as an adult, he never had teeth in the front. Rufus grew into a really nice looking dog, dispite the jacked-up face, and actually suited Frog better, since he had a pretty jacked-up face himself. He could only eat soft food - Rufus not Frog.

Always remember where your pup is, just like a human toddler - they will get underfoot, under car, generally in harms way.

Frog and some of his friend had a cookout on the lake, you know, burgers, etc. When they came in from swimming and got the fire going, the hamburger was gone. It was one of those 10 lb. plastic tubes. Frog just figured he had forgotten to bring it and walked over to the marina to buy more. The next day Rufus was not moving very quickly. We noticed finally something red and white hanging from Rufus' "chute". It was the plastic hamburger tube. Frog finally got to Rufus and stood on the plastic while the hound slowly slid, drug and crawled away. It was pretty much in one piece. Rufus was ok and lived a long happy life (I think he was 16 when he died). The two stories made Rufus famous aboung the tourists and locals alike, he was a friendly and outgoing dog, for a hound.

So watch what you leave lying around. Dogs have an amazing sense of smell (even with a jacked-up face) and an amazing capacity for getting into trouble.
I used this site to find the best food for my dog's and my wallet,It can get pretty expensive with 2 dogs one 120# and the other 50#. It rates food from 1 star to 6 stars. I found it very helpful. I use Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Ultra Premium. It's amazing what u will find in cheep food.
what about if they are licking alot?? just licking there lips or whatever... all the time... well be asleep and then you hear lick lick lick... D*M IT IRIS!!!

9yrs old heeler mix


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I used this site to find the best food for my dog's and my wallet,It can get pretty expensive with 2 dogs one 120# and the other 50#. It rates food from 1 star to 6 stars. I found it very helpful. I use Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Ultra Premium. It's amazing what u will find in cheep food.

I was going to post a link to that site and I forgot :)

I have been using that site over the last few months trying to find a good dog food. I started with C&Ps Ultramix Large Breed Adult, but it was close to $50 for a 30lb bag and really wasn't all that great and was pricey for a 4-star food.

Then I went to the Blue Wilderness Salmon which is 6-star and is grain free, but it was close to $50 for a 24lb bag...and it only lasted about 10 days for one bag. So now I'm on the TOTW (Taste of the Wild) High Prairie Canine Formula which is also 6-stars, is grain free, and is about $42 for a 30lb bag. It's pretty good stuff with the first three ingredients meat (they changed their forumla slightly since the review on DFA) and no grains at all. Best of all my dogs LOVE it. They eat this stuff as soon as it's in the bowl :)
I used this site to find the best food for my dog's and my wallet,It can get pretty expensive with 2 dogs one 120# and the other 50#. It rates food from 1 star to 6 stars. I found it very helpful. I use Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Ultra Premium. It's amazing what u will find in cheep food.

Great link plumcrazeman. When I got Chase a few days ago he came with a big bag of Scinece Diet. After reading the review I am going to give the bag to the neighbor. Not good.
I am probably going to make my own with the chicken/rice/veg recipe. I make my own oscar fish food that is all good stuff. Plus I can mix in whatever vitamin suplament needed.
Hey Thanks for the info

My daughter has a boxer/bulldog mix and we didn't know about the food restrictions mentioned in previous posts.

Here is a pic of "DUKE"

Check out the "Tiger Stripes".



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my daughter found this 2 month old at the local shelter. he is now being integrated into our home Roscoe!! is the name, love the breed ,Lawrence


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Great link plumcrazeman. When I got Chase a few days ago he came with a big bag of Scinece Diet. After reading the review I am going to give the bag to the neighbor. Not good.
I am probably going to make my own with the chicken/rice/veg recipe. I make my own oscar fish food that is all good stuff. Plus I can mix in whatever vitamin suplament needed.
I can't get over your new friend homecloned :cheers: He is a beautifully built Boxer, I have changed to 4 health dog food No wheat .... and doing great. congratulations on your new family member :cheers:
There sure is some very nice and happy looking friends here :happy10:
I can't get over your new friend homecloned :cheers: He is a beautifully built Boxer, I have changed to 4 health dog food No wheat .... and doing great. congratulations on your new family member :cheers:
There sure is some very nice and happy looking friends here :happy10:

Thanks memike. Chase is adjusting nicely. He had a few issues with his potty training at first but has been good 4 days now. He really is a puppy in big boy cloths as Mary says.