Wife had a wreck last night

I can't offer anything helpful, except sympathy.
Your insurances company MAY treat you well.
But I think a damaged party will never be made whole by an insurance company.
Especially if they had to deal with the other driver's insurance company. Assuming they had one.
Every vehicle I drive requires a separate liability payment.
Even if I don't drive them.
Liability insurance should be on the driver's license and not the car. It should be paid up front at the time of licensing. That way if someone has a license, they have insurance to cover damage to other people.
The current insurance practices are a rip off designed by the insurance companies and blessed by the state insurance commissioners and legislators.
Thank you for all the advice guys. Right now we are just waiting on the insurance adjustor to do his thing so we know more. Insurance company stated they would be using aftermarket crash parts. I'm ok with that. We dont live the rustbelt, and only plan on keeping the car maybe 3 more years before selling it. If aftermarket replacement parts keeps it under so its not a total, then lets go with it.
Aftermarket parts have their place, and a 2012 Caravan, that's just in there. The downside is fit and finish with them. They're like anything else, some is better than others. Anything from Certi-fit is garbage though.
I can't offer anything helpful, except sympathy.
Your insurances company MAY treat you well.
But I think a damaged party will never be made whole by an insurance company.
Especially if they had to deal with the other driver's insurance company. Assuming they had one.
Every vehicle I drive requires a separate liability payment.
Even if I don't drive them.
Liability insurance should be on the driver's license and not the car. It should be paid up front at the time of licensing. That way if someone has a license, they have insurance to cover damage to other people.
The current insurance practices are a rip off designed by the insurance companies and blessed by the state insurance commissioners and legislators.

I'm insured in anything I drive. That's the way it's been for decades for me. If I jump in your car and crash, MY insurance covers it, not what you have on your car, including YOUR car.
I'm insured in anything I drive. That's the way it's been for decades for me. If I jump in your car and crash, MY insurance covers it, not what you have on your car, including YOUR car.

But IF your licence was insured instead of paying liability by the cars you owned, it would covered too.
Under the current system, if you canceled that insurance you have and jumped in my car....well?
I don't know that my rates would be any cheaper under my proposal.
But I would at least make sense. (I'm told it's that way in some European countries. IDK.)
And there would be no uninsured motorist under my proposal.
Unless they were also unlicensed.
That's a whole noter' problem.
But IF your licence was insured instead of paying liability by the cars you owned, it would covered too.
Under the current system, if you canceled that insurance you have and jumped in my car....well?
I don't know that my rates would be any cheaper under my proposal.
But I would at least make sense. (I'm told it's that way in some European countries. IDK.)
And there would be no uninsured motorist under my proposal.
Unless they were also unlicensed.
That's a whole noter' problem.

Guess I'm lost here. I pulled the insurance off my car because I was rebuilding the engine. I just pulled it off that car. The rest still stands. So I'd still be insured driving your car.

I never like anything Europe does. My people left that toilet. For many reasons.
I see a typo in my response which may cause a problem.
Let me break it down like this. I may be telling you what you already know.

Yes, the liability insurance you supposedly have will follow the driver.
That pays for the other fellows car and damages.
That's what we are really concerned with since it's up to you whether you want to be paid if you wreck your own car.
That insurance would be "collision" or "comprehensive".
Now, let's say I pay 200 to 300 hundred dollars "liability" for every car I own.
I pay that even if I never drive the car. That seems like a problem to me.
As I said, I don't know what my liability insurance would be under a system in which I simply pay a rate based on having one driver's license.
That is why I said I believe the system is rigged by the insurance companies and the states' insurance commissioners.
My rates might be better. They might not. But at least it would make sense to me, I would not feel like I was getting "gigged" on having multiple cars, and the OP might not have been hit by an uninsured driver.
I don't think we have to consider everything in Europe a defective system.
The Germans manage to make some pretty good cars, I hear.
I also think Australia does it differently. Maybe some one will weigh in from there.

Guess I'm lost here. I pulled the insurance off my car because I was rebuilding the engine. I just pulled it off that car. The rest still stands. So I'd still be insured driving your car.

Guess I'm lost here.
I never like anything Europe does. My people left that toilet. For many reasons.

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I never like anything Europe does. My people left that toilet. For many reasons.
Is it Time to Give Teachers More Autonomy in the Classroom?
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