Wife wants me to get rid of ride!

I really didn't intend on this thread turning into a wife bashing. It sucks that so many ppl here seem to be unhappy with their marriage. or past.

I've never been married (and don't really intend to get there lol) and am not unhappy with my past.

I just don't see how ladies have the "huevos" to make such demands on their man with a good heart and clean conscience. I owned my hot rod for 12 YEARS before Billy and I got together (and most people think he built it lol) ... but thankfully he's a lifelong motorhead like me and I don't expect he'll pressure me to ever get rid of it. At least not until some SS/A or Hemi car owner decides he wants to trade it for a retina-searing A Body. :-D

You don't have to get so defensive there Agent Orange. After all, you're the one who started the thread asking for opinions about your situation and all we did was offer some. The fact they weren't really what you may have wanted -- or expected to read [not a major surprise considering where you're posting it, to 32,500 die hard motorheads] -- is beside the point. What did you reasonably expect us to say???

I'd still take the old Willys. :-D

And while you're out in the kitchen whipping something up for supper, please put on that cute little flowered apron. I heard your wife really loves seeing you in it. << duckin behind KrazyKuda now >>
You're doing just fine Agent Orange. Having a wonderful wife such as yours is a great blessing to a gearhead.When I got married to my first wife, I had a 1964 Dodge Polara with a 426 Max Wedge engine, a 1967 Camaro 350 SS, a 1966 El Camino, a 1966 Dodge Charger, and a 1958 Cadillac Coupe de Ville. When the kids started coming I was pressured by her to sell my cars since I was still trying to finish college and we needed the money. So I eventually got rid of them one by one. Boy was I mad at her for being right! After 9 years of marriage my wife died from an illness and I ended up raising our two daughters by myself. In the 20 years of being alone I missed her and not the cars.When my kids began to live their own lives, I picked up a 1969 Dodge Polara 500 convertible in need of restoration so that I could have something to do with my evenings. Later I brought home a 1971 Duster 340 because I wasn't really working on restoring the Polara. I was dating a woman at the time and she really like to go cruising with me in either car because she could sit next to me.We got married two years ago and in that time she has encouraged me to buy a complete year correct 340 and 727 transmission to go into the Duster instead of the basket case 340 that I bought right after we got married. She supported me in finally getting a concrete pad put on the side of the garage so I could have more room to work on the cars. She has taken an active interest in the various parts that I have bought for the Duster from our FABO family.I haven't worked on either car in a year and a half because I have too much fun cruising around in my 2007 Charger R/T. I raced the Charger last year at Mopars At The Strip in Las Vegas. I had a blast.My wife keeps encouraging me to get out in the garage and get the cars back on the road. She says that she misses our cruising around in them and also she would like to see me race them at MATS. She wants me to take them to car shows.Let's race:You focus on the Willys and get it sold as soon as possible.I will focus on the Duster and get it back on the road.Let's see who gets to the finish line first!
Unbelivable!! The man asks a simple question and his thread gets turned into free for all of negativity. There is no need for all of the negative wife comments, and certainly no need for divorce statistics or lectures on how to handle his marriage.


Sorry you got your panties all in a bunch from my comment. I was just answering the two posts as to why all the negative comments...

HE asked for the opinions, that's what he got. Opinions. Everybody has their own opinions and you must be able to take that into consideration.

Having to go through a divorce is hard. You try going to college and then getting a job and working 8 - 10 hours everyday during the week and also putting some overtime in on weekends so she has to option to work if she wants to, not has to. Then after 15 years to have half of all that you've worked for taken away, especially when you were so close to owning your house in a few years and you have to fight to stay in your kid's life... :banghead:

Of all of my friends and family that has gotten married, only one of them is still married. That's reality. :sad1:

It's a marriage/divorce thing, you wouldn't understand...

Try it sometime and see how you feel... :angry1:
Of all of my friends and family that has gotten married, only one of them is still married.

Wow. Yea I guess that would change ones perspective. Of all my family and friends there's never been a divorce, all my uncles and aunts are married, mom n dad have been together 30 some years. Same with my wife's family.
Been married for 35 years and my wife hasn't worked for 30 years did what it took to get by and work through the thick and thin which isn't what alot of people are willing to do it's easy just to run away and harder to understand and work through it all we were debt free when I turned 56 and even though my wife didn't work she helped out in so many other ways that was worth more than the $$$ now I'm fairly free to do the things I want but gave up alot to get to that point that's the way life is but we live in a want it all and now world Oh I'm considering purchasing his Willys but I have a project going and I'm talking to my WIFE about it and if she doesn't ok it that's fine with me
Whatever it takes to make it work. But, when a guy (agent orange) goes running "look what my wife is making me do.... wah wah... what shall I get rid of?... wah wah.... or, in other words "please help me approach my wife... wah wah," its sickening. What other, ANY OTHER responses could he have expected?? Have a mature, loving, conversation with your spouse and come to the best conclusion. Then do the right thing. Needs 1st, wants 2nd. Hopefully, there is room for both needs and wants in our lives. I often use the phrase when I'm selling something "if you need your wife's permission, don't waste my time". You know why? Because a REAL man would have already consulted his wife about future plans and would already know his finances. When an 8 year old boy ask his mommy for a toy, she says NO! When a 40 yr old man waste 1 hr of my time then tells me he has to "ASK" his wife, I have NEVER had the answer be "Sure Honey" from her. I've seen the wife scold him and the husband walks back to the car with his head down. Again, almost 21 yrs of marriage that's been awesome... and working together without "cowering" to group support over a car.... If ya canNOT afford it, man up and sell it! If you can afford, Man up and keep it! If you TWO that have become ONE in marriage cannot even do this over a car, then good luck with the rest... CRASH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been married for 25 years. My wife cares absolutely nothing for cars. We have different interests and she does her thing and I do mine. Neither of us would think of telling the other what to do. Am I lucky, or is this the way it should be? All I know for sure is I've been married 25 years and with this woman for 30. Something seems to work. I think I'll keep her.

My point was that the extreme negative comments that were made to the original poster about his wife and marriage, just stand to make both the existing members and the FABO forum look bad to new and current members. Remember, he was looking for friendly and helpful opinions from us regarding what he should do with his Willys truck, not marriage counseling. He is a new member here and should be treated with the same respect that we all wish to be treated with. Extreme negativity on FABO can easily cause possible new members, and existing current members to look to other forums for help and membership. I'm sure none of us wish to see that happen to this great FABO site.

I bet your glad you started this somethimes things go a complete different direction than intended or the meaning is miss understood
Lots of advise, all humorous, all bad... if you wish to keep her I guess. No, I did see one that said, "build one for her and it'll be ok". Mine has a 69 Datsun Fairlady Roadster and one she doesn't yet know about.
I also race dirtbikes, with each I include her in it, whether she likes it or not... Funny, only had one conversation along these lines, reminded her of the really bad ballet performance we attended... asked why she didn't like the idea of supporting me in my hobbies... without the threat of "chasing other women", also told her that "when I'm working on the car(s), you know where I am".
Picking up a 46 Dodge COE (another one), an extended 89 Chevy 3500 chassis with a 20ft dovetail car hauler body on it and a 49 Willys Wagon this weekend...

Good Luck!
Ok, I admit. I've had fun with this thread. I also admit I like a little friction in a thread, makes me laugh when I read it.... :)

My point was that the extreme negative comments that were made to the original poster about his wife and marriage, just stand to make both the existing members and the FABO forum look bad to new and current members. Remember, he was looking for friendly and helpful opinions from us regarding what he should do with his Willys truck, not marriage counseling.


If he wants "politically correct" positive answers and someone to blow smoke up his @ss, he should go talk to Dr. Phil.

This is a car site, not a psychological site to help with marriage problems. Go seek professional counseling. If you choose to hand your balls over to your wife, don't ask us how to get them back, it's too late. :sad1:

If he asks for our opinion, then that's what he will get. Negative or positive. They are opinions, that's all. If you can't deal with the answers, then don't ask. :hmph:

If he needs any advice on how to build his Mopars, then we will give him lots of good advice to follow (or even brand X). That's what we are good at here. The collective knowledge of all of the members of FABO is amazing, and we're willing to help with any problems that we can. Our advice about cars on FABO is far better than any other site. :supz:

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My wife likes to sail a comment or 2 out there now and then, and in my usual manner I just continue on and do what I feel is right! I never say anything about what I think she should be doing, or not doing, or not doing right or whatever! That's just the way women are!

I read in your original post that you would like extra cash to do something with the Duster now, and that the Willys could provide that cash, and that you've lost interest in the Willys, so I say go for it! I could tell that you are younger because of your comment about wanting to do it now, a virtue common with younger people! Patience is a virtue I preach, it saves money, allows you to keep what you have and improve it slowly, and allows you to find good deals on stuff you want instead of paying retail by just opening the catalog and charging it!!

In the end, its your decision about what to do with the Willys, not ours, not your wife's, not your neighbors or anybody else's! Don't listen to us, her, or any others, do what YOU think you need to do to satisfy both of you! The answer is there, you just gotta find what works for you!!

Married 23 years, no regrets and no end in sight!! Happy!!! Geof
My first thought was "beat her ***". Then I read DFX 340 Duster's post and snapped back into reality.

Cosgig is right.

#1 Pay off student loans (sell the dam Willys) you don't even want it anymore

#2 Make your house a home and up the re-sale at the same time.

#3 Take your time and MAX OUT that Duster.
keep the jeep, otherwise you are building a control freak. seen it with many of my friends over the past 30 years, most of them are divorced now, and broke, no toys.
me, I'm still doing what I want, when I want. my wife of 32 years, is 1 of a kind
maybe, yours is too

no bashing here, just fact.
just keep your eyes and mind open
you have to be happy, before you can make others happy.
SO, stay happy !!