Wife's in the hospital

Any word as of late?

Yeah, actually. I'm on my phone and in the hospital cafeteria, so bear with any errors.
There's some bleeding out on the brain where the tumor was and they had to put a drain in. Today the repositioned the drain and CT shows that the brain is reabsorbing the blood.

X-ray early this morning showed fluid on the lungs. Tonight they installed a pick for a saline solution for swelling and the ultrasound showed the fluid greatly diminshed. Tomorrow they're hoping to pull the breathing tubes and lift the sedation.

So far there's no signs of brain damage and she's starting to come around from some of initial results of having her head opened up.
Yeah, actually. I'm on my phone and in the hospital cafeteria, so bear with any errors.
There's some bleeding out on the brain where the tumor was and they had to put a drain in. Today the repositioned the drain and CT shows that the brain is reabsorbing the blood.

X-ray early this morning showed fluid on the lungs. Tonight they installed a pick for a saline solution for swelling and the ultrasound showed the fluid greatly diminshed. Tomorrow they're hoping to pull the breathing tubes and lift the sedation.

So far there's no signs of brain damage and she's starting to come around from some of initial results of having her head opened up.

More prayers on the way
Yeah, actually. I'm on my phone and in the hospital cafeteria, so bear with any errors.
There's some bleeding out on the brain where the tumor was and they had to put a drain in. Today the repositioned the drain and CT shows that the brain is reabsorbing the blood.

X-ray early this morning showed fluid on the lungs. Tonight they installed a pick for a saline solution for swelling and the ultrasound showed the fluid greatly diminshed. Tomorrow they're hoping to pull the breathing tubes and lift the sedation.

So far there's no signs of brain damage and she's starting to come around from some of initial results of having her head opened up.

Prayers continue...
Once they remove the tubes the fluid should clear up and she will feel better.

Yeah, Ray. The surgeon just said that. Fluid in the lungs in this case isn't unusual. She's just needing the help. And they aren't rushing her awake just to take the tubes out.

As one of the nurses said, she's got one pissed off brain right now. It's had a lot of trauma, first with the tumor pushing on it, the original biopsy and the shunts being put in, and now having the tumor taken out.
Good news Robert.....Prayers sent for both of you to keep staying strong :angel2:
Well, I went to the hotel last night and got some sleep, leaving my father-in-law to sit with Sarah. I got woke up too soon because he can't handle it.

There were some complications during the night. The pressure in Sarah's head was getting to high and the determination was to run another drain. The procedure and the necessary movement got her aggitated and her hurt rate became elevated. Seems Dad couldn't handle it and misinterpreted all the information to me.

He told me they didn't get the pick line in. It's in, it was an IV tap that they took out for the procedure they couldn't get back in. No biggie, they manifolded off another tap. He told me her heart rate was elevated to damgerous levels all night. It was slightly elevated all night and highly elevated during and after the procedure.

He got beligerent with a nurse who was monitoring Sarah instead of looking at him when he was asking questions. (As if looking at him while he was talking was more important than working with Sarah.)

He needs to learn to deal with the stress better. He's tried to pick a fight me over the last couple of days and needs to learn he's not the only one who cares. He also needs to accept the fact that his engineering degree anf google does make him an expert over the medical staff.

Don't get me wrong. I know he's a concerned father, but impeding the doctors and nursing staff, as well as elevating my stress level isn't doing his daughter any good. It's not about him and what he wants to hear or can understand, it's about Sarah. Sarah and her well-being, even after he goes home and she's ready to begin her next round in this fight, is the most important thing.
Just what you need, another level of stress. Sounds like you've got a good handle on your emotions and what your wife needs!
Continued prayers!
I know just how it can be dealing with older parents. That's added stress you don't need for sure. Will also pray about that situation. Any word on the CT?
Any word on the CT?

It is what it is. Thanks the intracranial swelling her condition can change rapidly. And there in lies the danger. She's more stable this morning and more responsive, but not as responsive as hoped for and still not awake. But since her condition can change at the drop of a hat the meds and such are constantly being fine tuned.

When I go in I rouse her a bit and mostly get a response. Keep giving her encouragement. She's been through enough in 35 years that would make other people curl into ball in the corner and die. She's strong and has strength that would surprise even me if she dug deep enough.

And that's something I'm desparately trying to get her father to understand. He thinks he knows her. He doesn't. He doesn't know the woman she's beme, because he hasn't allowed himself to see beyond the girl she was. And it's not a "now" thing. It's been going on for years. I get regaled with stories of Sarah the child, but there's no stories - no memories - of Sarah the woman that her parents talk about.

He stands over her with looks of pity in his eyes and sighs real big as if he's given up. If that's case we don't need him here. She doesn't need pity. She needs encouragement to dig deep and find that strength I know is there. This is the first round in the upcoming battle. If he can't take this, time to go home, 'cause it ain't gonna get much prettier.