Winter Snowmobiling in Yellowstone



Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
Waynesboro, VA
Anyone up to snowmobiling in Yellowstone National Park this winter? My son and I are seriously thinking about entering the annual lottery for non-guided snowmobile permits and it allows up to 5 in the party. If we were lucky enough to get one (there are only 4 total issued per day, 1 from each of the 4 entrances), we'd be open to other FABO cold-weather nuts joining in our group. (We are a non-drug and just-mild-boozing group BTW.)

The timing is luck-of-the-draw so that may let some folks out. (For better or worse, we are contractors so can sometimes move work around to do crazy things like this.) And the weather could be crap or the snow too thin on the day you get to enter the park and so you get screwed. So it can be a real crapshoot to make work.

If you are seriously interested, PM me. Any general questions can be put here. And it may not happen....just throwing the idea out there.