With Regret



FABO Member #3649
Nov 20, 2006
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I got this in an email and figured I would share it here.

With Regret

This is one big reason why we have the problems we have today in this country!
Charlie Sheen is 45 and his story is all over the news because he is a substance abuser, an adulterer, sexually promiscuous and obnoxious.

Lindsay Lohan is 24 and her story is all over the news because she is a celebrity drug addict and thief.

Something as frivolous as Kim Kardashian's stupid wedding [and short-lived marriage] was shoved down our throats

Justin Allen 23
Brett Linley 29
Matthew Weikert 29
Justus Bartett 27
Dave Santos 21
Jesse Reed 26
Matthew Johnson 21
Zachary Fisher 24
Brandon King 23
Christopher Goeke 23
and Sheldon Tate 27...
Are all Marines that gave their lives last month for you. There is no media for them; not even a mention of their names.
Honor THEM by sending this on. I did, will you?

Rest In Peace
Says it better than I can...


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Sending thid on Keith, so true...Thank you for sending it and sharing it here with us.
May they all rest in piece, we lost a young man from here in Jonesboro not long ago in a helicopter transporter, Jacob Stain, It seems all we hear is the local loses.
Never have understood the fascination for sluts and stoners. Add the soldiers in your prayers now and then. We all know they can use it.
i live in a military town in CO. the local news channels here KXRM FOX 21, KRDO , KKTV , always have 5-10 min news segments dedicated to the men and women who have given their lives serving our country, and to show their respects. they announce deployments and returns on a regular bases. i think much of the country does not really realize how many lives have been lost. they may hear a number, but when it is broken down to each individual and their families, it really hits home. im guessing most news channels in cities across the u.s. do not do this. RIP
thanks for sharing that! Not only are there those that died but there are also many many more that come back and are messed up for a long long time and their family suffers or is destroyed! Let's keep them in our prayers as well!
I'm sick to death of hearing anything about any celebrity doing anything.... except the very few who actually put themselves out there and support a worthy cause. The only thing Sheen, Lohan or any of the other losers think about is themselves and their image, oh, and their foo-foo dogs!!! It's about time all of our veterans get the recognition they deserve.

Ian and I went to the Monster Jam last year and at the playing of the National Anthem they asked all of the veterans in the audience to stand and be recognized. When all of the vets stood up, a great big cheer was let out by the crowd. An older vet was sitting just a couple seats away and I went over to him to personally thank him for his service to our country. He had a tear in his eye, probably from the small display of gratitude that the crowd had given him and his counterparts, but it felt good to know that he appreciated the thanks from the crowd.

Most often too little, but definetly deserved!! Geof
It is in fact truly sad that our media is like that, unfortunately our young men and women's sacrifices don't bring in money, which as they say is the root of all evil.

I for one always remember and try and thank each person I see in my travels, for their service.

I passed this on as well.
...........And the shocker is that not many ppl even realize that there wouldn't be America as it is today if it wasn't for the men and women that served our countrys and gave us the greatest gift of all...FREEDOM......I for 1 am very proud of all the good ppl in the service.........Rest in peace my Hero'S.......Kim........
That's exactly why I no longer watch the news or read the paper (other than our local town paper). Seems the media (and lemmings that follow that sh%t) does not give a crap about trully important matters. Pathetic. And God Bless our fighting men and woman.

they fight for us and the media could give two ***** .Amen and GOD bless them and their families .
they fight for the freedom speech that the media enjoys...but the media does not even honor their ultimate sacrifice.....

several years ago...certain media outlets would mention everyday on the news the number of US servicemen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan...but now the media has no longer counts....
I think the media doesn't want to tip public support for these wars. Wars are to end at some point, instead its one country after another, maybe Iran will be next ?

Even Iraq were its "ended" there is still thousands of troops here and there in Iraq, most the troops have left but not all. Its been 8 years now, WW1 last 4 years, WW11 was 6 years long. Vietnam was 19 years, that is what I found http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War