Woman fined after hanging Canadian flags on her backyard frence

WTF is wrong with people.............? Shes clearly Canadian for one, allow her her freedom and let bygons be bygons, what really are those flags hurting? I can't say they are bothersome even if she was my neighbor, they add some color to an otherwise dreadful long looking background!

AND I agree, the lattice looks like **** anyway, make her take that down and leave the "temp" decor for when they'll come down, I bet money that I don't have to bet, the flags won't go back up next year over this! and if they do......She'll be going through it all over again!!! And if she goes through the whole mess again, then she is stupid......
I wonder if she could plant a tree that would in time grow higher then the 6'6" fence height and hang the flags from it ?

and I just have to ask how big a patriot can she be if she isn't even living in her native country?

at the count of three everyone




This is happening in Toronto Canada, not the United States.
This is happening in Toronto Canada, not the United States.

durp...I glanced over the caption the first time I read it, thinking it happened in new York
now that you mentioned it I re read it and it says north York

my bad
Not covenant..which didn't make sense..BTW, I went to a lawyer about the covenants that were attached to our property and he said they had no teeth..

one of the conveants was no clotheslines..we all have them..or we did until I pulled ours down.. :)

but this is municipal code...so some twit decided that home owners can only put fences to some artificial height... sounds like a rights violation..

We don't, but, if you agree to it in a covenant, or buy property where the ordinance dis-allows something, that on you. No one is forcing you to buy property with those restrictions, it's something you decided to do. When you made that decision you also agreed to those rules. like it or not.

The second thing about covenants is that they have a time limit. in our area, we were actually the only home that conformed ..after the time ran out, we replaced our front door with one that had windows and put up a clothes line..we actually agreed with the papers we signed..

two things were going for this area...one is that it was on town water..septic are quite expensive here due to the soil and we guessed that what ever we put into the house, there would be a good chance of at least breaking even when we sell.. however, outside town has it's appeal...
The guy that complained is a dick.................period.

It's not an emotional issue, it's merely a legal issue. Nothing more.

It's not WHO complained, or even the complaint. It's the validity of the complaint. It's either right or wrong.

If it's right, then the flags need to be lowered to the height restriction that was agreed to (either expressly or by acceptance of the local codes by purchasing the property).

If it's wrong, then the person registering the complaint owes the woman an apology, and the flags remain.

Usually these things become emotionally charged with opinions, that have little, if anything at all to do with the situation.

I'm pretty sure many of us, here have been stopped by the cops for speeding, at one time or another. The majority of the time that happens, the resulting story usually amounts to (the cop was a "dick". Actually, he was just doing his job, will the speeder (us) were being a "dick". That's the emotional response. Everyone seems to feel that they have the right to do anything they want, and that's not true, at all.

You have the right to do anything you want WITHIN the law. Remember, your rights end when they step on someone else's. You might not like that, but that's just the way it is.

So, the issue is, are the flags within the "law" (covenant, statute, ordnance, etc.), or not.
If they are, nothing changes, if they aren't, they come down, or, at least get moved to a height that is "legal" for that area.

Fact is, it's really not the big deal the headline makes it out to be. It's a simple case of local code, not patriotic repression.
First things first,laws are laws,it does not mean that it is a good law but it,s still a law.
Second,the neighbor is a big time dick head,to get mad enough to call the city and ask that the national flag be removed,and this goes for any country,if done in the US of A,the neighbor would be taken out and shot.
Third the city official,is as dumb as the neighbor, as she could just say lower the flags 3 feet and problem solved,looks as if she like,s to be on camera more that solving a problem,mrmopartech
First things first,laws are laws,it does not mean that it is a good law but it,s still a law.

Correct, logical, and succinct. +5 points. :thumbup:

Second,the neighbor is a big time dick head,to get mad enough to call the city and ask that the national flag be removed,and this goes for any country,if done in the US of A,the neighbor would be taken out and shot.

Emotional and untrue. No one would get shoot. -5 points

Third the city official,is as dumb as the neighbor, as she could just say lower the flags 3 feet and problem solved,looks as if she like,s to be on camera more that solving a problem,mrmopartech

Combination of logic and emotion. +2.5 points

Your average is 7.5 points out of a possible 15 points.

When I was a kid, this Issue would have ranked right up there with the Ice cream truck schedule.These days, People seem to have an awful lot of time on their hands. A while back while selling a house to a Romanian Immigrant, he made an Interesting observation of Westerners, " we worry a lot about little things, but not much about the big things". I see it all the time. Flag too high, wrong color garbage can, sign too close to the curb, garage door left open too long. Door the wrong color, too many cars in the driveway. I could go endless, but it gives me a headache. Just my opinion.
again, The guy that complained is a dick. First, there are just some things you don't complain about (in this case ,harmless acts of patriotism) . There is a certain value placed on being a good neighbor. Some people just look for things and become known for it in certain neighborhoods. Those houses usually get the most eggs on Halloween.
Its called getting along with your neighbors.
she said it herself. The flags are temporary.
Flags should not be temporary. You fly them to show your patriotism year round

2nd every home is a persons castle... every castle has a flag.
she has a few too many flying, I can understand one flag.
Agreed with both above posts. give us a break! The more gov't feels insecure, the more they want to control. Politicians need to be reminded what the wood shed is for!
Canada or America! We are one family.
My neighbor has a Canadian flag and I don't mind :D


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I thought the way the article read it was in NY too.
I still don't get the whole issue! The flags really ARE NOT part of the fence! Its a temporary hanging, NOT the type it ought to be however, Its... (D-E-C-O-R-A-T-I-O-N)!!!!! But, they are not "structural" parts of that fence!

IF they were however, THEN it be lawful to bring them down to that 6'-6", height requirement.....HELL, if they want to be technical with it, the 2x4s that hold the flags up are NOT holding ANYTHING up on that fence, merely a brace that is holding flags..... IF they're touching the ground, THEN it could be considered structural to the existence of the fence, but they aren't! I say the hanging ought to be her neighbor!

How do you keep one neighbor from creating a SECOND neighbor, to cause trouble? Hang the first one from a limb in the tree from your front yard for the whole neighborhood to see! LOL
My neighbor has a Canadian flag and I don't mind

As long as starring at her flag wasn't considered "Sexual Harassment", I'm good with it Keith!

When I was a kid, this Issue would have ranked right up there with the Ice cream truck schedule.These days, People seem to have an awful lot of time on their hands. A while back while selling a house to a Romanian Immigrant, he made an Interesting observation of Westerners, " we worry a lot about little things, but not much about the big things". I see it all the time. Flag too high, wrong color garbage can, sign too close to the curb, garage door left open too long. Door the wrong color, too many cars in the driveway. I could go endless, but it gives me a headache. Just my opinion.

Yup. Tells you the self indulgent wienies we are as a society.

We don't have to worry about where our next meal is coming from or where we might be able to find clean water. We don't have to worry about where we lay our heads for the night or whether or not our neighbors are going to come in the middle of the night and raid our village so we have to create our drama out of bullshit that in the long run doesn't matter a hill of beans.

The fence is too high! Big hairy deal. The flags are displayed above height! Big hairy deal.

It's a matter of perspective. Seems like in instances like this, folks have little to no perspective as to what truly matters over petty little things.

When I read about things like this it always makes me think what will the person do when he or she is confronted by life's real issues?
He who states his case first seems right,
until the other comes and examines him. RSV
(She has sympathy until you hear the other side.)

Always follow the money.
However, patriotism is about emotion. Denying that removes an important element of this case.
Wanting to divorce emotions is normally the purpose of “telling it to the judge”
However I’m wondering, in this particular case, if the judge just might not rule in her favor BECAUSE of emotion. One never knows.

There is the question of law and the question of fact. And the judge is the wild card in the question of fact in this case
We do not know all of the facts other than possibly an arbitrary fence height.
(And the flags are attached to the fence?)
So there is no point in wasting time with Spockie’s BS.
For example: are there any restrictions on clothes lines in a convent?
If not and it was me in this case, I would put up a very high cloths line.
Or plant bamboo. Or move. Been down that road before.
I think that this isn't an issue of patriotism.
What i think this is all about is a pissing match between the woman and her neighbor.
This sounds just like my neighbors. One plays their stereo loud and parties until 4 am and then his neighbor beside him mows his lawn at 8 am the next morning. They both have the cops on speed dial.......
Childish to say the least.
Agree with the pissing contest or just a nosey neighbor.

Maybe she should sew a bunch of flags together and create a "Sun Shade" for the pool. See if they ***** about that too.


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Agree with the pissing contest or just a nosey neighbor.

Maybe she should sew a bunch of flags together and create a "Sun Shade" for the pool. See if they ***** about that too.

There ya go... Creative thinking! :thumbup: