Woman naggin on my beer drinking

my wife used to ***** about how many cases i would go through in a month.so i fixed the problem.i built a keg system.so now i tell her i dont go through any cases at all.she didnt see any humor in it
I guess it's not a problem unless you are a total loser and don't do anything around the house but get fat and drink beer, but nothing wrong with a beer or two after work.

I think some Wives actually love their Husbands enough that they don't want to see them die young of liver failure or other health complications from ecessive alcohol abuse.

I'm sure there are a few members here who could tell you about their personal struggles with alcohol and how it ruined their lives, and I have a friend right now dying young at age 43 from liver disease from constantly consuming Bush beer since high school.
He polishes off anywhere from 12-24 cans a day, lost two marriages and five kids over it, but he is a highly functioning alcoholic just as his Dad was who died from the same thing at age 52.
I feel better now that I had a beer or two,initially I thought it said waggin naggin but after I had a beer,I can see it's just Life to me ain't no tradgedy.............kinda sounds like a country song or somethin to the................ doggie......spin the recerd backwards till you get the truck and the dawg back then toss it in the "bonfire" and life is "good"
My wife will ask me if I need a cold beer :happy10:
I am not going back to drinking soda's and the hard stuff
A shot of Tequila and a few cold beers are better than hugging a pepsi or Mt.Dew all day or drinking sweet tea all day long and never taist a good cold beer :cheers:
To much of anything is bad for ya, even nagging and judging people :happy10:
To much of anything is bad for ya, even nagging and judging people :happy10:
Yup. Wise words. Just consume in moderation brother, and everything will just fall into place. Sometimes if she sees you putting yourself in "check" she may feel less like she has to say something.8)

I rarely abuse the booze or the smoke so I got a free pass too. I am actually going out this Sat with a friend to cruise some metal bars. I can stay out all night if I want, Tammy is cool, but I limit it to only once a month or so as to not abuse it. I know how lucky I am and don't want to screw it up.
Wife has a few as well, as long as she has a cold one ready when she gets home from work all is good.8)
Some days I go through more then others, but I usually have accomplished something(i just need to stop or not even start painting on the car after drinking :-D), If i am getting stuff done she is cool about it.
We could easily go through an 18 pack of bud light a day. When I met her I would only drink micro brews and dark beers. With those, a six was fine. With bud light, much different story.
Now I can only drink 2 micros and am satisfied.
Dang now im thirsty and its not noon yet.=P~
Mabye i'll just go talk to Dr. Bonginstein for now. :happy10:
Wife has a few as well, as long as she has a cold one ready when she gets home from work all is good.8)
Some days I go through more then others, but I usually have accomplished something(i just need to stop or not even start painting on the car after drinking :-D), If i am getting stuff done she is cool about it.
We could easily go through an 18 pack of bud light a day. When I met her I would only drink micro brews and dark beers. With those, a six was fine. With bud light, much different story.
Now I can only drink 2 micros and am satisfied.
Dang now im thirsty and its not noon yet.=P~
Mabye i'll just go talk to Dr. Bonginstein for now. :happy10:
How about a shot of Crown in our coffee =P~ this morning :cheers:
Mine nags when I say I'm going to the garage and do some work. When she comes out there to check on me, I am sitting, watching "Pinks" and drinking. She says you can do that in the house. I say "no, I'm not watching Lifetime chanel again".
Mine nags when I say I'm going to the garage and do some work. When she comes out there to check on me, I am sitting, watching "Pinks" and drinking. She says you can do that in the house. I say "no, I'm not watching Lifetime chanel again".
So true :cheers:
Or the HG channel :bootysha:
It usually takes me a month or two to kill a flat (24) Since moving to Ok; I don't feel like an alcoholic if I have two....(3.2%)
My wife bitches when I drink beer.
My wife bitches when I cook a steak when they have pork.
My wife bitches because the bear I made breakfast sausage out of is greasy.
My wife bitches because I play too much hockey.
My wife bitches because her POS car I refuse to work on is falling apart. (olds Alero)
My wife bitches because my truck is loud.
My wife bitches because my shoes are muddy.
My wife bitches because my BBQ sauce has too much vinegar.
My wife bitches because she has a headache.
My wife bitches because the kids are noisy.
My wife bitches because I didn't read her mind.
My wife bitches because I wear a sock inside out once in a while.
My wife bitches because I spend 2K a year on tires.
My wife bitches because I don't make enough money.
And my wife just bitched because I opened another beer and started clikkityclakking on the keyboard, turned up the music, haven't let the dog in, and have to be up early for hockey practice.........

Women are genetically habitual bitchers.......

Dang TK!!!!!!!! How do you hang in there!??
Mine never bitches at me at all about drinking beer, we're like Archie Bunker and Edith, she doesn't drink, and she doesn't mind if i do as long as i go to work and don't get out of control. I think there's a time and a place for everything, and i tap 'er light when i have things to do or have to drive somewhere.
I never drink when i'm working on cars or doing something important. Yardwork? some call it beer drinking, some call it yardwork!
Never a peep out of her ever.
Mine never bitches at me at all about drinking beer, we're like Archie Bunker and Edith, she doesn't drink, and she doesn't mind if i do as long as i go to work and don't get out of control. I think there's a time and a place for everything, and i tap 'er light when i have things to do or have to drive somewhere.
I never drink when i'm working on cars or doing something important. Yardwork? some call it beer drinking, some call it yardwork!
Never a peep out of her ever.

Better make sure she's still alive:toothy10:
I use to drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney and crawl like a baby afterward.

I aint lyinnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since I turned 45, I have slowed way down on the beer.

I also have a CDL, and no matter what I drive,
DWI is .04 percent, because I need the CDL for my job, I am very careful.

I bought a 12 pack for Labor day, and have 10 beers left. :clock:

How many of you mopar brethren get nagged about how much beer you drink and how often?

I think woman [some] don't understand that it's a mans version of soda pop, I mean, I ain't getting sht face'd er'anything...just unwinding.

Hell... I usually don't start till 4:30ish when I do????
my wife doesnt nag about my drinking at all so i guess im one of the lucky ones, the only time she does say anything about it is when i dont have one in hand , and its normally just a "is something wrong with you your not drinking".