Wont be gold for a little



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
For the first time in years Cindy and I have fallen on hard times financially like a lot of folks now a days,only getting like 12 hours a week right now at work witch is normal this time of year,this new furnace to the tune of 4 grand really hurt to bank account,but we will bounce back.So my gold membership account is almost going to expire so sorry at this time I will not renew until funds are available I know its only like 40 bucks but got to do what I have to do.
I can relate brother, November, December was a big hit on the wallet
My wife and 2 sons birthdays all in the same month :eek:ops: and thanks giving then Christmas all in 60 days :eye:
along with all other bills I stay busted, Next month will be better here and there at you home I hope Snake.
I hear you to Snake. My company is closing the plant I have worked at for 26 years at the end of the year and the wife works there as well.
im right there with you. after getting laid off, half of my 1200 a month in unemployment insurance goes to child support, my income tax check got intercepted, and i am supposed to live on 550 a month? what a F*CKING joke. luckily, i have the greatest GF in the world and is carrying the weight until i find work. life sucks right now. i went gold when things were good, so thats a plus.
They say without adversity there wouldn't be humor.

But seriously I have even had to put off buying shoes. The soles on the ones I've got are worn so thin...if I step on a dime I can tell if it's heads or tails....

That came from my Grandpa, he lived through the depression but always kept his sense of humor. Hope he brought a smile to us members who are struggling.
They say without adversity there wouldn't be humor.

But seriously I have even had to put off buying shoes. The soles on the ones I've got are worn so thin...if I step on a dime I can tell if it's heads or tails....

That came from my Grandpa, he lived through the depression but always kept his sense of humor. Hope he brought a smile to us members who are struggling.

...... lol, that's a good one that I will remember!!
They say without adversity there wouldn't be humor.

But seriously I have even had to put off buying shoes. The soles on the ones I've got are worn so thin...if I step on a dime I can tell if it's heads or tails....

That came from my Grandpa, he lived through the depression but always kept his sense of humor. Hope he brought a smile to us members who are struggling.

It did :D My toe even feels better now :coffee2:
I am going to remember that one for sure :cheers:
For the first time in years Cindy and I have fallen on hard times financially like a lot of folks now a days,only getting like 12 hours a week right now at work witch is normal this time of year,this new furnace to the tune of 4 grand really hurt to bank account,but we will bounce back.So my gold membership account is almost going to expire so sorry at this time I will not renew until funds are available I know its only like 40 bucks but got to do what I have to do.
Snake I went through this all last year. I'm not there yet but am working my butt off to get back into my comfort zone. I feel for ya and hope the best for ya.
Going through the same the last 3 years, one catastrophy after another.
I'm flat as a pancake but I don't care, most my friends are in the same boat.
I'm just doing all the small projects and anything that doesn't cost me bucks.
I make wine and butcher, between all of us pulling together we still eat
and drink well.
A bit of advice, keep a pair of new work shoes and toliet paper put away, drink your whiskey cut with water like its meant to be, buy or trade for a guitar,.:eye:

You're gonna be all right Snake, hang in there! It always looks tough
in the begining.
They say without adversity there wouldn't be humor.

But seriously I have even had to put off buying shoes. The soles on the ones I've got are worn so thin...if I step on a dime I can tell if it's heads or tails....

That came from my Grandpa, he lived through the depression but always kept his sense of humor. Hope he brought a smile to us members who are struggling.

That is a good one. I am going to put a reply to it in the joke thread.
Hey snake sorry your buddy could not fix your oil heater as this saddens me i know if i lived closer i would have loved to stop over and help you save 4 grand.Hope things get better.My mother would always tell me thing will turn around you just need to keep you eyes open and the next door that open for you even for just a second you need to stick you fooot in it and take your shot.R.I.P MOM
Thankssssssssss Guys.Hope you all strike it rich,on a nice note today our Grand Daughter who is 4 mounts old now just came buy,Grandpa has a big smile now.
Thankssssssssss Guys.Hope you all strike it rich,on a nice note today our Grand Daughter who is 4 mounts old now just came buy,Grandpa has a big smile now.
Thats good man stay upbeat ive been in the boat for years now .. as long as u make the best of what u have and injoy the little things in life thats what lifes bout not new shiney things ssssssnake . if u want to pm me feel free to do so
It's gonna be ok. I have it on high authority. ;)
Hoping you'll make it through this rough patch soom ssnake. Family first as you know. There will always be time for you later..

Kraft dinner, and hotdogs buddy!! They saved our *** on several occasions. Things will pick up, keep ssssmilin' Snake :thumbup:
Best of luck goes out to you, rough patches have a way of disappearing after awhile .... stay positive and you know you have better days ahead
all in all it still sssssssssssssucks.I like the kraft dinner thing me had that for lunch today LOL.
Well Snake..maybe i can put the word out on a great guy that does great work!!!!!!!!!I certainly know alot of people at work..Its the least i can do...what yah think??????????? Sound OK? Keep the head up. I just found out im looking around $2,500 in repairs to me Ram........Dart or Ram???? Still havent got the heart to tell my wife this ****. :banghead: Shes been down and busy as hell.
Let me know if there's anything I can do for you guys , and keep your stick on the ice buddy good things happen when your ready for them .

PS cheese steak aka KD and beanie weenies is how I paid my resto bills for 2 years .
You did me good a while back. Karma like that got to turn back the bad in life. You just got to wait it out sometimes. Just use the time to get the little no cost things bone.