Woo Hoo thank you Mr. Norms, Machesney Park, Il!!!!



Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
rockford il
Just a shout out, letting everyone know how stand-up Mr. Norms Garage has been. $ years ago, the place that is now Mr. Norms, used to be Nostalgia Lane, a restoration shop. A well regarded and well known resto shop, I might add! So years ago they were putting together a Mr. Norms Dart for a well to do connesiuer of everything A body. It was a paxton supercharged car, made a bunch of magazines etc. They needed some date coded glass, and they were in a bad way, deadline rapidly approaching etc. I offered Roger(the owner) a chance to look over my 2 sets of nice glass, take what he needed if it was right, in exchange, restore/restify my grille for the Duster! Deal, he jumped at it, sent a guy right over, removed all the glass from both cars and took a full set. Over the course of the years, I would check on my grille every 3-4 months, I was continuosly reassured that my grille trim was at the polishers and as soon as it was back, they would paint and return to me! :( Truth is the trim was never sent out, the grille was never touched after being inventoried. Some nice guy out west with more money and A bodies than God got my beautiful glass, and I got the shaft! Would love to see Roger sometime...... Anyways keep fast forwarding....the jerk sold out, closed up shop, and turned everything over to Mr. Norms! Didnt call anyone...nothing just walked away. Thankfully his bodyman stayed on with the new owners, after nearly 6 months they have nearly found my grille. The bodyman, found the peices and set them aside. I got the grille today, and the trim and bezels appear to have been relocated, but they have been seen. As soon as they pop up, they will call me. Just thought that was pretty stand up thing for Mr. Norms to do, considering they dont owe me anything! Check them out, if you are in the area!
Dan, I found your bezels in a box a couple weeks ago while cleaning out an old shelf, did you get them yet? If not, please stop by and I will get them for you.
