Working out in the winter

I like to walk during the Winter, I don’t care if there’s snow or if it’s cold.
And eat real food, not fast food, not junk food. Learn to bake and cook fresh local food.
Wow, well said and I agree 100 percent, and add some fruit in your daily diet, it keeps us older folks on our toes like dadsbee and his wife, happy birthday to your wife, late I know @dadsbee
Fruit, Gods candy, and you can eat as much as you want.
Yep, I have a banana most every morning, and apples, peaches and blue berries are a staple, fridge and freezer is covered up in blue berries, Salman and some Crappie and bass.. memike don't like grocery stores and restaurants, but I will never turn down a good pizza :lol:
Blueberries and salmon are superfoods! And bananas are incredibly healthy -- help regulate blood sugar, high in potassium, and help increase serotonin levels. You probably knew all that, though.
Yep, it helps me deal with my chemo I take every morning now for 11 years, dr credit my heath on my diet and are actually surprised.. god is good
Yep, I have a banana most every morning, and apples, peaches and blue berries are a staple, fridge and freezer is covered up in blue berries, Salman and some Crappie and bass.. memike don't like grocery stores and restaurants, but I will never turn down a good pizza :lol:

I have always fished and hunted wild game. Fresh bass when we lived in Florida from a spring fed lake, cooked within an hour of catching them. fresh citrus and bananas from the trees in the back yard. Home made bread, baked cookies, and cakes. In South Dakota we regularly ate grass fed beef, Bison, pheasant, rabbit, squirrel, and occasionally deer and walleye. Fresh apples, bing cherries, and pears. In South Carolina it is bass, shrimp, red snapper, grouper, asparagus, blue berries, peaches, pecans. We also have a great pizza place. I introduced them to Hawaiian Pizza which is now on the menu. God is good.
I have always fished and hunted wild game. Fresh bass when we lived in Florida from a spring fed lake, cooked within an hour of catching them. fresh citrus and bananas from the trees in the back yard. Home made bread, baked cookies, and cakes. In South Dakota we regularly ate grass fed beef, Bison, pheasant, rabbit, squirrel, and occasionally deer and walleye. Fresh apples, bing cherries, and pears. In South Carolina it is bass, shrimp, red snapper, grouper, asparagus, blue berries, peaches, pecans. We also have a great pizza place. I introduced them to Hawaiian Pizza which is now on the menu. God is good.
Everything on your list is my go to foods, but when you said Pheasant! I had to grab a napkin, my mouth waters for it , I miss it so much, in Florida during strawberry season it was quail and Pheasant, best bird I have ever enjoyed hunting and eating, seems like I was alway hungry as a kid working the crops, but Pheasant is my number one bird, and harder to hit with a shot gun then people would think, Bob up and down when they looked like they was flying straight.
Amen, God is good.
All we can do i exercise unless everyday life provides plenty of exercise and eat the right foods.
My life long passions have always been old Mopars and quarter horses. Working on both provide lots of "exercise".

Training a horse for anything provides plenty of use of body muscle, not in muscling the horse around but teaching him a job. Getting him broke, responsive moving off the slightest touch of hand and leg and seat. He then begins to learn a "job". Like swimming, you use all your body muscles, from feet to hands to seat and everything in between. Back years ago, before I can not climb on one anymore, I did 60 situps every AM before heading out. Then I got plenty of exercise. I think the fact that I did them EVERY AM was a key. Exercise has always made me feel better. Now I am old and woreout and have no muscle strength. But I still feel way better when I try to do but its is sad when the wife has to pull my *** back up when I crawl under a car!

At about age 55 I took a bad wreck (horse) and cracked vertabrae in my back and neck. I could not afford to go to the hospital so I went to the local chiropractor, he x rayed me and said I had compression fratures. Said rest a month and it would get Ok. It took about a year to get back to sorta normal. Neck never really got right. I tried getting back to situps but never could. That is when I went to breeding horses and not so much training. Is what it is.
I get down on garage floor, crawl under car, then craw out stand up again then craw back under car then stand up again repeat that over several hours. My leg quad muscles look like I been doing squats. I have two post lift but car stuck in other garage till it can move under own power again. Driveway sloped too sketchy to try to push it from one garage to the other. So the body workouts will continue a few more months. Cheers.
I try to walk a minimum of 3 miles a day, just to stay moving. Up to about 4 average right now. Was stuck indoors yesterday, still got 3 miles in within 15 ft.
Everything on your list is my go to foods, but when you said Pheasant! I had to grab a napkin, my mouth waters for it , I miss it so much, in Florida during strawberry season it was quail and Pheasant, best bird I have ever enjoyed hunting and eating, seems like I was alway hungry as a kid working the crops, but Pheasant is my number one bird, and harder to hit with a shot gun then people would think, Bob up and down when they looked like they was flying straight.
Amen, God is good.
Same here, nothing like pheasant. My girls were used to eating pheasant growing up. They would'nt even eat chicken. LOL Have'nt had it for a few years now and I sure do miss it. We used to have it every Christmas. Maybe next year...
We burn about 3 bush cords a Winter now, use to burn 4 or 5 when I also had a stove in the shop but getting old and slowing down! LOL What we she stacked this year, 10 bush cords... Wife turned 60 on Wednesday, keeping her fit.

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Badass there. My wife loves splitting, I gotta get her some more "umph". Seems I help her a lot .. lol
Lottsa good stuff on this thread. My wife and I walk, run, swim, do calistentics, bike. Well. I do some of that, she does the rest!
The bike trainer thing sounds good. I'm 64. Exercising out in the winter ain't what it used to be.
I am fortunate enough to have a heated garage. I can't tell you how many times I got out from under the car to get the tool/'s I needed last week putting a cat con on our Accord! Lots of "steps" there!
I have (without trying) out rode my 30 year old nephew on a bike. I couldn't believe how slow he is!
Some say they'll live as long as me. I can say I'll probably have a better life, by staying in shape. But of course, I could have a heart attack and die tommorrow. I'll take that chance.