Would you eat it?

Here is something for you to ponder. Mayo has egg, egg gets samonilla at room temp so 8 hours should pretty much guarrentee food poisoning. Hell I would do it just to live on the edge.

Mayo also has vinegar in it, and nuthin' grows in vinegar. Hell, I'd have eaten that sandwich, too.
You'll probably be fine, but you might take
an extra pair of grinders and cool wet washrag
if your scared.
You can keep it in your cooler next to the Pepsi.:clock:

Here's a critique of Subways food that I found on
a food blog.

I made the mistake at choosing to dine at a Subway for lunch. Although one doesn’t really dine at Subway, but just orders bland mediocrity in 6 inch or foot long varieties and then slinks quietly into a corner and contemplates how life went so wrong as they sink their teeth into despair in sandwich form.
A buddy of mine ate a turkey sammich with mayo on it at a golf course one time. Three hours later he was in the ER with pains in his stomach, said it felt like knives being stuck in there. He was praying for death!! Ever since, if I don't know where the mayo has been, I pass!!

It's been 6 hours, JR is either sleeping like a baby, stuck on the toilet and can't get to the computer, or doubled up in pain!!!
Dont anyone pack their lunch? As long as its not left sitting in the sun its fine. And this from iron gut. A guy who can kill a quart of Jack in an evening. Cmon we knew you,d eat it.
Go for it. I worked with an old guy that would eat spoiled mayo sandwiches. He would let them sit out for a couple of days before he ate them. for some reason he never made the correlation between them and the fact he would be blowing chunks an hour or so after lunch.
Not like those chickens are laying them in refrigerated 12 packs lol. Only 8hrs? Wuss.. lol

A buddy of mine ate a turkey sammich with mayo on it at a golf course one time. Three hours later he was in the ER with pains in his stomach, said it felt like knives being stuck in there. He was praying for death!! Ever since, if I don't know where the mayo has been, I pass!!

It's been 6 hours, JR is either sleeping like a baby, stuck on the toilet and can't get to the computer, or doubled up in pain!!!

Turkey has it's own issues, without adding the mayo. I was on the road and stopped at a brand new truck stop in Needles, CA one time. The place didn't look old enough to have any spoiled food.
I ended up spending a day and a half at a motel in Kingman, AZ hoping I would die.
Here ya' go JR. Some milk in a bag to wash down that gag muffin from Subway. :toothy10:

what is that howling sound i hear off in the distance???
After washin down that bag-o-milk, you see now a purpose for that empty bag with a HANDLE! And you mock us Cannucks.

Well after about 3 1/2 hrs of sleep and a 8hr drive with one 15 min fuel stop in northern Utah nothing has happened...yet :-D
Don't hang too long in St.George or you will glow at night. That place was downwind from A-bomb test years ago.
Well I was stuck in the middle of Iraq, theres not much I wouldn't eat. But give me a cup of coffee and here it blows.