You want how much an hour?


Mark Wainwright

FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 4, 2017
Reaction score
Ontario Canada
In the recent 6 months or so, I've noticed that I transpose letters in my typing "quiet" often. What's the name for it? Dyslexia I think. I've added letters to words too. Like aruound, thieir, as if the transpose is trying to correct but without the backspace.
Then the issue with repeating letter words, like error is typed eroor.
If I should find out that I have a "brian" problem... you heard it here first. LOL
In the recent 6 months or so, I've noticed that I transpose letters in my typing "quiet" often. What's the name for it? Dyslexia I think. I've added letters to words too. Like aruound, thieir, as if the transpose is trying to correct but without the backspace.
Then the issue with repeating letter words, like error is typed eroor.
If I should find out that I have a "brian" problem... you heard it here first. LOL
If you're 60 years or older it's called a Senior's Moment. If you're younger you're Screwed
I don't know I personally don't have much use for guys that pay themselves $3500 an hr telling me a guy who makes $35 an hr how much some poor schmuck that makes minimum wage is or isn't worth .
Here's a much more productive path for you , how about we eliminate all the useless turds that make their living by skimming from those of us that are actually productive and providing some sort of tangible lasting benefit for our society .
I don't know I personally don't have much use for guys that pay themselves $3500 an hr telling me a guy who makes $35 an hr how much some poor schmuck that makes minimum wage is or isn't worth .
Here's a much more productive path for you , how about we eliminate all the useless turds that make their living by skimming from those of us that are actually productive and providing some sort of tangible lasting benefit for our society .
I think getting rid of a large majority of the senators we have in Parliament would be a great start. We don't need over a hundred of them and huge pensions that follow after retiring even for a short time working. Next is to eliminate the disgusting money paid to people in sports. Don't forget, every time they get a huge settlement everybody pays directly or indirectly whether it be in a ticket to the game or buying the advertisers products. Is a person worth 30 million to be able to hit a ball out of the ball park? NO! If they can score a goal on the ice? NO! We need to have a big shake up and get real about what people are paid especially if it's coming out of our pockets.