Prayers needed



Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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S/w Houston
I very rarely ask for anything but I, m at the hospital with my wife. She's having a hernia operation and I,m a little nervous. After all we are in our mid 50s and everything's risky anymore. If you have a spare moment share a little prayer power with me. Thanks ,my fabo family.DD
You got it friend. Room enough on my prayer list for everybody. My God has big ears.
Prayers for you and the wife, call me and let me know if all is good. Bill S.
Here's hoping everything will come out well and she will heal properly and quickly.
Hey Pete, all the prayers I can muster up coming your way, your a great guy with a big heart were all glad to help you any way we can......Wagg's
Stroker, that's an understatement on the big ears issue. People dont really understand what this God is capable of or they would have a change of heart and ask for what they desire. For now it would be healing for Pete's wife. Done deal taken care of by the man that flung the stars out in the universe. We're on it Pete buddy.
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