Well my Dart is on its way to our new home



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score
Lakeview, OR
Decided to rent a dolly and tow it myself. We are on the road from Lyons CO, to Lakeview Oregon..
Going through Wyoming now, high winds but no snow on the roads yet.

A+ Gallery_10.jpg

A+ Gallery_11.jpg
snow and wind in Wyoming is a constant thing in the winter. Please tell me you took the drive shaft out of the dart.
snow and wind in Wyoming is a constant thing in the winter. Please tell me you took the drive shaft out of the dart.
Yes I took the driveshaft out, well not out but disconnected and tied up, and duct taped it to the exhaust pipe for extra measure.
Oh.... I read it as going to its new home .
Drive safe ! That section of WY hiway can be trecherous
If you are driving thru Boise and need a place to stay you are more than welcome to crash in our spare bedroom.
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I'm disappointed that you didn't put a hitch on the Dart and tow the pickup.

Travel safe!!
This is not our final move up. Just bringing the Dart and a load of garage stuff. In the back of the truck I have an engine hoist, engine stand, 4 jack stands, two floor jacks, a transmission jack, and a bunch of other crap.
We'll make our final move at the end of March. Counting the days till my last day at my job.
Wash that puppy real good when you get home, that salt dust is a killer. Gets into every crevice and never stops.
Wash that puppy real good when you get home, that salt dust is a killer. Gets into every crevice and never stops.
Don't think I stirred up much dust. We just drove out on the salt about 75 yards a snapped a couple pics then got back off. Only drove like 10mph. But it will get a bath when it gets home.