Gutting my shop



Seriously Long Member
FABO Gold Member
Mar 15, 2010
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The body shop
I've owned my shop for about 3 years now. When I bought it I knew it needed a lot of work on the inside. Most of the wood around the base of the building was rotted away. The inside has some 70s wood paneling that is nasty.

The building is 32 x 50. I did one wall two years ago and found it to be completely infested with mice. Rat turds everywhere and just disgusting.

I gutted on wall and removed all of the insulation, paneling and wood. I also removed and replaced all of the wood around the perimeter of the building. The one wall was framed up and spray foamed, then covered in metal.

Last weekend I just couldn't take the smell of this building anymore so I ordered a dumpster and started ripping all of the walls out.

This will be a "when I can" project but I'm really looking forward to at least having no smell in here!






Boy do I know that feeling. My current shop is big and over the last 10years of my relationship with it it has filled with clutter. I’m in my 50’s and seem to have a hard time letting go of stuff. This causes even more issues with clutter. Personal stuff and business stuff and “keep for bad times,” and let’s not forget the “oh crap they are not making anymore of that,” stuff.
Good for you cleaning up and making things better. :thumbsup:
By chance is your spray foam have a mouse detergent in it?

I read some time ago that there is some spray foam products that have it and others don't.

Either way the spray foam will be a fantastic insulator
I nee to gut my shop,, once my kids move all their junk out.
They moved about a year ago and needed to store stuff......:(
Ugh. Your shop is like mine was. Hopefully you are geared-up for the demo work. Mask, glasses, long sleeves, gloves, etc. That rodent stuff is nasty if it gets on you or in you.

When you get down to the bare shell if it still stinks in there, go to a professional janitorial shop and get some stuff called Urine Digester. I put it in a pump sprayer and soaked everything to kill the smell. It did take a couple of applications but the stuff really works.

Do you have a shop cat or three?

By chance is your spray foam have a mouse detergent in it?

I read some time ago that there is some spray foam products that have it and others don't.

Either way the spray foam will be a fantastic insulator
I did not ask and when it was done they didn't mention it. I would assume not but I will ask the next time they come. I did my west wall first and it significantly quieted down the wind noise. I have nothing but corn and beans for neighbors so the wind gets pretty wild out here.
As far as safety goes, I wear an old paint suit from work (I paint cars for a living) gloves, and a 3m respirator. I tore another wall out yesterday and there was seriously a pile of mouse crap as big as a volleyball in one corner. Most of the wood will get torn out as well as you can see piss stains all over everything. I will check out the piss smell remover mentioned above. I also thought about a pump sprayer with some bleach water in it.

It's been around 100 degrees this week so I have been pacing myself. I should have all of it removed by the end of the weekend.
Turd removal day 2. I have about 15 feet to go and the dumpster is nearly full.


Turd removal? You're removin yourself? lol
All the nasty stuff is out. I had two helpers today... they want to know how much half a days labor is worth?





Tell them both I said shut up and they're lucky they're gonna get fed. LMAO
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Today's awesome discovery.

When I first bought this building I could tell there used to be a boiler in the shop with in floor radiant heat. There were two copper pipes coming out of the floor but with the compressors in the way it was hard to access them. The valves were both stuck so I cut the pipes down a bit and boom... full of coolant. It would be great to get that system back up and running again.


My buddy did his shop with floor heat. Worth getting it going again .
I thought the same thing till my wife pointed out my feet are always a hanging heater instead.
I've wondered about attaching a plenum to the front and running ductwork across the ceiling similar to some of the restaurants around here.
I've wondered about attaching a plenum to the front and running ductwork across the ceiling similar to some of the restaurants around here.
Mine is angled towards the far end of the shop. It actually works really well because the warm air bounces off the far wall and goes back towards the other side of the building. I can raise the temp from near freezing to 70 degrees in 30 minutes.... it's mainly that cold floor that gets me!
mine is in the north-east corner pointed to the south-west corner. warms it up well from 40 degrees to 60-ish when I work in it...or stumble around looking for something.