Recent content by 65 Valiant Barracuda

  1. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    new to mopar

    Welcome to the FABO.
  2. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    New guy, new hobby

    Some more pics for anyone who wants 'em. New fender "in place," not attached. Just for stiffy purposes. New next to old... I don't suppose that I have to tell ya which one is which. Passenger side sans fender. Driver's side sans fender. From the front.
  3. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    New guy, new hobby

    Ok, back in the game. Addy is doing ok. She had surgery to remove the top of her femur, and is recovering nicely. Took her to the beach about a week ago and she played for a good 30 minutes before her good leg got tired and she began using and exercising the bad one. In fact the other day she...
  4. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    1968 Barracuda in a Shed (storage unit)

    I managed to get my wife to help out with some deep rust removal. Naval jelly and a rag apparently sounds like a great time to her! Lucky me!
  5. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    its done in red what do you think

    Gorgeous! I would say that I'm drooling, but by the time I got to the bottom to post I was already empty!
  6. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    New guy, new hobby

    Sadly I'll have to put her on hold. My Shepherd/Husky, Addelaide, got hit by a car today. 3 severe lacerations, and a completely dislocated hip. She's gonna spend some time in a sling on three legs, but she'll be ok. The visit to the doc set me back about $2,000. No more tools, no more parts, no...
  7. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    New guy, new hobby

    Got the engine on the stand! This thing looks like someone pulled the covers and threw in some charcoal and cooked steaks over it. Time to buy something that breaks down carbon. Any suggestions?
  8. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    Pics of my 65 Barracuda just purchased

    Love it brother, wish my interior looked HALF that good right now!
  9. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    New guy, new hobby

    All I have left to do before I can hoist out the engine is pull the exhaust (What is the easiest way to reach those bolts? They are so frustrating, my knuckles have been bloodier from those 4 little bolts than anything else so far!), drain the trans, disconnect the engine from the trans, pull...
  10. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    New guy, new hobby

    Yeah I was figuring on a degreasing and cleaning after I clear out the engine bay, any recommendations on what to use? Something that works best in someones personal experience?
  11. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    New guy, new hobby

    Thanks all!
  12. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    New guy, new hobby

    Here is the 318, just found the pic.
  13. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    New guy, new hobby

    Under the "hood." Stock 273, turns but won't fire. Thinking timing chain, but possibly distributor. Doing some research to nail it down. The 273 is coming out anyhow though, so I'll rework her after I get the 318 in.
  14. 65 Valiant Barracuda

    New guy, new hobby

    Here she is, sans the hood and up on stilts. What the heck does that to a roof? Those little dents seem odd to me. She was side swiped, that's what made the owner give her up. Clean title though!