Recent content by AircoolerKirk

  1. AircoolerKirk

    Dash Pad Covers

    Nicer than mine by far!
  2. AircoolerKirk

    Dash Pad Covers

    I sure would like to find one for my '66. Even if it was black and I had to paint it brown.
  3. AircoolerKirk

    Dash Pad Covers

    Yowch. I sorta thought that might be the case. Mine is ugly but at this point, so is the entire car, so...
  4. AircoolerKirk

    Dash Pad Covers

    Old post, but faint like three digit faint, or faint like four digit faint?
  5. AircoolerKirk

    Removing push rod from MC

    Well now there's an idea I hadn't thought of.
  6. AircoolerKirk

    Removing push rod from MC

    Im just going to bump this instead of a new thread. I never was able to get these apart. I plan to buy a new one, whats the best option for a replacement? MP's Wilwood? Their Adjustable one? Or is there another option? I know i need one for a 67.
  7. AircoolerKirk

    Removing push rod from MC

    I do not. I also own several large, heavy hammers. Hmm.
  8. AircoolerKirk

    Stolen Car, and Hauler

    I rarely wish bad on others. Unless they are thieves. Then I wish ill will on them, and their entire lineage. I hope your friend gets his stuff back, and i hope a city bus falls from the sky and lands on the people who took it.
  9. AircoolerKirk

    Removing push rod from MC

    Well, at least you didn't say "hey dumb@ss, there is a release screw" or something like that. I clamped it and put a pipe through the hole and beat on it nine ways from Sunday with increasing ferocity. Its currently soaking in PB and some mystery lube in my finger pump can, however I'm beginning...
  10. AircoolerKirk

    Removing push rod from MC

    Maybe I'm a maroon, but how does the pushrod come out? Shouldn't it just pull out? I mean it spins, but wont release. If I give up and just buy a new one (which is looming) where can I find a replacement w/boot? Ahem. "Tapping" it did not work.
  11. AircoolerKirk

    From the pasture; The valiant story of my '66 Valiant

    Good eye! The brown one is a 78 champagne i converted to a camper. Its been idle for awhile now, but Ive camped all over in it. The green one is a 69, that has been back burnered. They arent getting cheaper, so it just sits. I may get to it some day. Maybe. There's also a Miata in there and a 68...
  12. AircoolerKirk

    From the pasture; The valiant story of my '66 Valiant

    You know, I'm not sure myself. I don't mind them, and the tires I already have. I'd like to have raised white letters probably if I got to choose. RH studs ordered from the Rock. After I did the spark test to make sure my drums were iron, not steel. Interesting. Now we wait. Maybe I'll drive...
  13. AircoolerKirk

    From the pasture; The valiant story of my '66 Valiant

    So my long suffering Valiant project, seems to both grow ever closer to "completion" while at the same time, dancing further away. Not so much of an update, but two things, one of which is more of a general complaint, really. So as we all know, I bought a set of SBP Cragars a while back. They...
  14. AircoolerKirk

    Please forgive me my mopar brothers and sisters !

    Man I love a wagon in any flavor. Id have to have a bit of an "altitude" adjustment, but otherwise, carry on!
  15. AircoolerKirk

    From the pasture; The valiant story of my '66 Valiant

    Well it has been a little bit since I last updated you, oh Constant Reader, so let's take a quick jaunt down Valiant Lane, okay? As you may or may not remember (it's been quite a bit since this Valiant effort began) the interior in my car as it was delivered to me, by me, was quite poor. The...