NTSB friggin nuts

hands free is a scam your mind is still distracted

No more so than when the driver is engaged in a conversation with others in the car. Do we also ban that? What about eating or have coffee, adjusting your stereo, or GPS? Those things also cause accidents.

I have a hands free, voice activated phone in my truck. It's no more distracting than having a conversation with some in the truck with me, and also might be slightly less distracting because while talking with people in the vehicle with you, people, by nature, have a tendency to occasionally look at those with whom they are conversing.

Further, this is a State's issue, not a federal issue. The last thing we need is more federal government intervention into our personal lives, with their typical over reaction, and complete disregard for unintended consequences that usually accompany overzealous legislation from the federal government.