NTSB friggin nuts



Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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S/w Houston
National transportation safety board wants a ban on cell phones while driving. Even hands free devices.Stating accidents are caused by them. More big brother bullsh#t. Accidents are caused by careless people. Sure its dangerous to text and drive but are we really so stupid we cant drive and talk at the same time. Maybe they should pass a law you cant carry passengers. And to think,our tax dollars fund these morons and their research.I,m friggin grown and am damn tired of the friggin goverment trying to tell me what to do and how to live my life. If I wreck and hurt someone while on the phone lock me up. But dont mess with me if I havent done anything wrong. JMHO
National traffic safety board wants a ban on cell phones while driving. Even hands free devices.Stating accidents are caused by them. More big brother bullsh#t. Accidents are caused by careless people. Sure its dangerous to text and drive but are we really so stupid we cant drive and talk at the same time. Maybe they should pass a law you cant carry passengers. And to think,our tax dollars fund these morons and their research.I,m friggin grown and am damn tired of the friggin goverment trying to tell me what to do and how to live my life. If I wreck and hurt someone while on the phone lock me up. But dont mess with me if I havent done anything wrong. JMHO

There is also a thread pertaining to this subject in the News and Politics Forum.
I bet they will find a way to make it law if they do the they will need to ticket Law enforcement first.
That's going way to far!

I see a lot of officers on their phone... manner a fact they have a walkie made into their phone so they actually have both in one location. I doubt seriously that they will stop using those. All I can is tint your windows and talk on the phone mostly at night.
Up where I am it's fine if your hands free, but talking is $170 fine or thereabouts. Texting should be illegal, I had a guy nearly take me out this weekend, texting and drifted 3 feet into my lane, good thing I wasnt't texting too :D
That's going way to far!

I see a lot of officers on their phone... manner a fact they have a walkie made into their phone so they actually have both in one location. I doubt seriously that they will stop using those. All I can is tint your windows and talk on the phone mostly at night.

Some states have laws against window tint. :banghead:
I had a woman nearly take me out while just talking. By the time she noticed that I had stopped for traffic in front of me, she had to lock up the tires and almost rear ended me. Some people just can't handle talking and driving at the same time.
National traffic safety board wants a ban on cell phones while driving. Even hands free devices.Stating accidents are caused by them. More big brother bullsh#t. Accidents are caused by careless people. Sure its dangerous to text and drive but are we really so stupid we cant drive and talk at the same time. Maybe they should pass a law you cant carry passengers. And to think,our tax dollars fund these morons and their research.I,m friggin grown and am damn tired of the friggin goverment trying to tell me what to do and how to live my life. If I wreck and hurt someone while on the phone lock me up. But dont mess with me if I havent done anything wrong. JMHO
Hey man. Thats already here in Ontario. Hands free...no problem. talking with the phone in your hand or texting..Sorry, totally agree. I have had a few close calls lately. All were related to both...JM2CW
hands free is a scam your mind is still distracted ,next time some aclown cuts you off or cross's three lanes in 30ft to turn look real close they are almost always on the damn phone , Here they exempted the cops from the law because of the crappy radio system that the cops spent 30 million on that won't work half the time, so they need cell phones for radio calls but still they are on them all the time and I think we can all agree they are the worst drivers on the road
I was probably the worst, talking on the cell . Had to drive 250 miles each way to work once a week . But some of the things I saw when others did it DANGEROUS!!!!! Can't imagine what we did before the cell phone
Retired now don' t need it
n this place its a law ... hell its across canada.

in my community the cops carry blackberries to get emails and updated information at the tip of their finger.

kinda sucks the tax payers have to pay for it, but if it helps keeps someone from stealing from my homestead then i have no arguments.

i can totally understand why it should be a law. i have a friend that was killed by a texting driver..... many years ago but its still in my mind.
National traffic safety board wants a ban on cell phones while driving. Even hands free devices.Stating accidents are caused by them. More big brother bullsh#t. Accidents are caused by careless people. Sure its dangerous to text and drive but are we really so stupid we cant drive and talk at the same time. Maybe they should pass a law you cant carry passengers. And to think,our tax dollars fund these morons and their research.I,m friggin grown and am damn tired of the friggin goverment trying to tell me what to do and how to live my life. If I wreck and hurt someone while on the phone lock me up. But dont mess with me if I havent done anything wrong. JMHO

I welcome this law. I don't need my family hurt or killed because of someone screwing with their phone instead of the traffic around them.
I welcome this law. I don't need my family hurt or killed because of someone screwing with their phone instead of the traffic around them.
the funny thing is here in colorado,its already against the law.in the whole city of colorado springs ,last year there were 17 tickets given out for people talk/text while driving because the county does not want cops spending more time with their eyes off the road looking for people on their phones.its all a bunch of words and i dont think we will really see a change unless these clowns make it blatanly obvious that they are on the phone while they are driving. im mean really? its these kids running around driving like idiots that worries me and then you give them a phone to play with while traveling 75 miles per hour in 40? its a good law but it doesnt apply to me LOL my 0.02$
the funny thing is here in colorado,its already against the law.in the whole city of colorado springs ,last year there were 17 tickets given out for people talk/text while driving because the county does not want cops spending more time with their eyes off the road looking for people on their phones.its all a bunch of words and i dont think we will really see a change unless these clowns make it blatanly obvious that they are on the phone while they are driving. im mean really? its these kids running around driving like idiots that worries me and then you give them a phone to play with while traveling 75 miles per hour in 40? its a good law but it doesnt apply to me LOL my 0.02$

Have you seen the clip where people were walking and texting. The literally tripped over things and ran in to posts. I think it was a news clip.
I welcome this law. I don't need my family hurt or killed because of someone screwing with their phone instead of the traffic around them.

I dont. Texting should be illegal but talking on the phone is no more dangerous than talking to someone in your car. Maybe they should outlaw radios too as they are a distraction and when you look at it to tune it you are distracted.I average 1000 miles a week in Houston traffic and call in and schedule people in the drive between jobs. Been doing this for 10 years. No accidents due to cell phone. Careless people cause accidents not phones. Always got to be a few who ruin it for everybody.
I dont. Texting should be illegal but talking on the phone is no more dangerous than talking to someone in your car. Maybe they should outlaw radios too as they are a distraction and when you look at it to tune it you are distracted.I average 1000 miles a week in Houston traffic and call in and schedule people in the drive between jobs. Been doing this for 10 years. No accidents due to cell phone. Careless people cause accidents not phones. Always got to be a few who ruin it for everybody.

Agreed 100%
Texting is already illegal here.

I'm on the fence about talking and driving. It's not the talking while you're on the phone........it's the buttons you have to push to make/answer the call that can be dangerous IMO ;)

Good discussion DD :happy1:
C I agree with the danger making or answering calls but its no different searching for a radio station or adjusting your heat vents. Sometimes I just let it ring when its rainy or congested. And I dont pick it up and call unless its safe to do so. Thats why I say its careless people who cause accidents. Good judgement goes a long way.
I talk my *** off on the phone while driving... however if the traffic is bad or weather is crappy, then I always say I'll call you back and hang up.. I don't like the fact that they are taking away more than we are gaining... look if something happens and I die.. it's b/c it was my time and no matter howmany laws you have in place... the big man ^ up topside can trump them all..
I hear you.....that's why I'm voting for Ron Paul. Time to dismantle this friggin' outta control gov't! Then, how 'bout this? If you all have heard about the Lowe's pulling their ads from that All American Muslim TV show....(whether you're for or against their actions) we've got a U.S. senator calling for this:

Sen. Ted Lieu, D-Torrance, told The Associated Press he would also consider legislative action if Lowe's doesn't apologize to Muslims and reinstate its ads... The senator vowed to look into whether Lowe's violated any California laws and said he would also consider drafting a senate resolution condemning the company's actions.


Can you believe these morons we've got for elected officials? Don't they have bigger fish to fry? Trying to force a company to reinstate its TV ads.....wow. Big brother's here and watching everything you do.