NTSB friggin nuts


Cute video. :roll:

No. I don't.
And you are completely misrepresenting what I stated. Get your arguments straight.

My argument is that the federal government has no place in this kind of law. It's a State issue. Traffic laws are created and enforced by the States, not the Feds.

Further, unlike yourself, I'm willing to give an already bloated and dysfunctional Federal government any more access into my personal life, or any more authority that they don't have a right, or the auspices to.

State governments allow the people more control for two reasons:
1:The politicians are far more accessible to the citizens, and more more answerable to the citizens.
2: federal laws are never tempered. When was the last time you say a federal employee have any discretion in the completion of his/her job? They don't have any.
Cute video. :roll:

No. I don't.
And you are completely misrepresenting what I stated. Get your arguments straight.

My argument is that the federal government has no place in this kind of law. It's a State issue. Traffic laws are created and enforced by the States, not the Feds.

Further, unlike yourself, I'm willing to give an already bloated and dysfunctional Federal government any more access into my personal life, or any more authority that they don't have a right, or the auspices to.

State governments allow the people more control for two reasons:
1:The politicians are far more accessible to the citizens, and more more answerable to the citizens.
2: federal laws are never tempered. When was the last time you say a federal employee have any discretion in the completion of his/her job? They don't have any.

Hear this.... This thread isn't about you and if it is a Federal or State issue.
News FLASH.... It is about cell phones.
Hear this.... This thread isn't about you and if it is a Federal or State issue.
News FLASH.... It is about cell phones.

Hear this:
Again, you're misrepresenting my argument.

I can use large type too. :roll:

The thread and the news article are based on passing laws to prevent or limit cell phone use while driving.

Here's another NEWS FLASH:
I'm not arguing against those laws.

My ONLY argument is with people advocating a national (Federal) law against their use while driving. It is a traffic law, and that is the auspices of the State.

To put it in as simple terms as possible. If laws needs to be passed to keep the roads safe they need to be passed by the States, not the Feds, as you profess.
Just received a mandate from the my company, we are to adhere to the federal standards.
I can see the merit in it,
We had a 40K write-off this year when a salesman was texting & hit a parked 18-wheeler.
My company has liability only.
I also just lost a 2011 Ram totaled, when two of my techs were attending school in KC, were hit broadside by an ATT service truck. He was talking on the phone & ran a stop sighn.
Atleast ATT will be paying for this one.
Just received a mandate from the my company, we are to adhere to the federal standards.

"Federal Standards" aren't law. It isn't mandatory, it's voluntary. If more people would voluntarily comply, there would not be an issue.

IMO, we are going to see more businesses, large and small voluntarily complying with the Feds recommendations. That's not a bad thing, either.

For a number of years I've told my employees not to use the phone while operating a company vehicle, and I've gone as far as to have them sign an agreement to that effect. about 14 months ago, we added the terms "texting", "tweeting", "verbal/non-verbal electronic communications" and "game play" to those agreements.

I have no problem with the guys pulling over to the side of the road to use the phone. Likewise, we do not allow smoking in our vehicles. I only have two employees who still smoke, and I've told them that if they want to smoke, they need to pull over and get out of the vehicle. Yes, I know I pay for that time, but there's not many things worse then the smell of stale cigarette smoke once it impregnates the vehicle's A/C and upholstery. It also reduces resale value, btw.
Jeez. I don't even get this whole texting thing. We had that, it was called the telegraph then e-mail. We invented the telephone so we could talk to people. Then we got smart enough to go back to typing our messages (where we started). Each time these so called "upgrades" come along we pay an additional amount for the feature. On my latest phone (an "upgrade") I now can just talk and it converts it into text which I can send. Think about it............it's STUPID! If I wanted to talk I'd call them.
Who ever dreams this stuff up must be laughing their *** off. It's like their saying to their friends "Hey, watch this, I'm inventing a thing you can talk into which will convert to text, transmit and then it will turn back into voice on the other end and you watch how many idiots will pay for it". HELLO.........it's called a cell phone!

Couldn't have said it better myself...I think it's comical the way these phone designers have suckered the public into using the TINY little key boards...I use a regular keyboard for work and would NEVER resort to using such a ridiculously small set of keys to type a message...and anyway, as you mentioned, 'uh , dummies, you realize the phone can actually transmit your VOICE...' ...what a novel idea, people actually talking to one another...

All I can say to those who are ranting about having their 'rights' taken away by not being allowed to text or chat on the phone while driving...let us know if you feel the same after some bozo rear ends you at a stop light for texting and takes away your right to walk upright........everyone's worried about 'their' rights being taken away.....well, what about the rights of the guy who gets rear ended, or don't they count? ... 'Rights' come with responsibilities, and if enough people are shown not to be responsible then the government will inevitably have to get involved, because the public will force them to.
There are good arguments for from both sides. I hate it that a small percentage of the population ruin for everybody else.

I think the bigger issue is enforcement, not the law itself. So even if the Government enacts a hands free-free law, how is that going to change anything?

In CA, we already have hands free and no texting laws. However, I still see numerous drivers with phones pinned to their ears and it bugs the crap out of me. I gave up my road raging ways years ago. But it's frustrating driving when another driver drifts into your lane, or they dangerously cut you off turning out of a parking lot onto the street. It happens to me way too often. Then when I pass them up and glance at them, they're on their phone...not hands free, pinned to their frickin' ear.

I'm betting that the people who still do this are the same ones doing this before the laws were passed. So it's not a lack of legislation thing, it's a lack of enforcement.

Here's what I do...if I get a call? I tell them "I'm driving, I'll call you back". That's the extent of my phone conversations while driving. I wish others would extend the same common courtesy while driving.
National transportation safety board wants a ban on cell phones while driving. Even hands free devices.Stating accidents are caused by them. More big brother bullsh#t. Accidents are caused by careless people. Sure its dangerous to text and drive but are we really so stupid we cant drive and talk at the same time. Maybe they should pass a law you cant carry passengers. And to think,our tax dollars fund these morons and their research.I,m friggin grown and am damn tired of the friggin goverment trying to tell me what to do and how to live my life. If I wreck and hurt someone while on the phone lock me up. But dont mess with me if I havent done anything wrong. JMHO

Here's the thing:

It would be a perfect world if everyone followed your lead and didn't do things that cause accidents, like talk on a cell phone, or text or apply makeup or WHATEVER...but they DON'T!

That why there are laws. Out of a group of 100 people, 33 percent will follow the laws all the time, 33 percent will follow them sometimes, and 33 percent will never follow them. So what are you going to do..hope that you never meet the 1/3 that refuse to do the right thing?

You ask, aren't people smart enough to talk and drive at the same time...well...I guess they are NOT, otherwise that bus crash wouldn't have happened, the train collisions wouldn't have happened..you get the drift?

I can understand not liking government intrusion, I don't like it either. But you have to understand that the world is a constantly evolving place, and we just can't get by the way we could 30 years ago when there were no cell phones and the biggest driving distractions were either a set of tits in the next lane or trying to get the radio dial adjusted.

We just aren't in that place anymore and it's probably going to take a harsh law to even keep the number of accidents at the level it is now.

I doubt we as a society will ever quit talking while driving..even though there are laws in place, I see bus drivers, truck drivers and even the COPS driving while talking on the phone.
I agree with this also except the hands free part. Hands free isn't much different than talking with a passenger.

True but only if you also have voice activated dialing so your not fumbling around trying to dial a number.