NTSB friggin nuts

Grant, that's another viable theory. Unfortunately interaction with people in the vehicle causes accidents, too.

In either case, I don't see a need for the federal Government to act on this, and I see no need for even more federal government intrusion into our lives. If some sort of regulation for this issue is needed, I'd much rather see it at the state lever than the Federal level.

If it was done at state levels you would have to know the laws of every state you traveled through. There could be some states that would really screw it up. Oklahoma comes to mind.
If it was done at state levels you would have to know the laws of every state you traveled through. There could be some states that would really screw it up. Oklahoma comes to mind.

And if it's done at the national level, every state will be screwed up. The Federal government is not capable of issuing traffic laws that are applicable in every state, and do so, with out being overbearing. remember, unintended consequences.
Drivers Licenses are issued by the state, not the feds, please let's not give the feds even more access into our personal lives, and more opportunity to screw up!
And if it's done at the national level, every state will be screwed up. The Federal government is not capable of issuing traffic laws that are applicable in every state, and do so, with out being overbearing. remember, unintended consequences.
Drivers Licenses are issued by the state, not the feds, please let's not give the feds even more access into our personal lives, and more opportunity to screw up!

I recall when the federal government lowered the speed limit to 55. Yes, I hated 55 too. Any state that chose to not enforce it lost some federal funding. I can't recall any state that didn't fall in line.
I think everything in a car should be banned, even the radio! A car is a heavy deadly weapon and takes 100% of your focus to be 100% safe.
Here is her statement on the news.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcRxWUXKC88&feature=related"]Texting lady explains how she fell in mall water fountain - YouTube[/ame]
Then they best outlaw women from putting on make up while they drive,or eating,drinking or any of a thousand distractions that people have while driving.

Typical overreaction by a special interest group..
I can tell you from experience and a lot of driving around local during business hrs and every time of the day or night.I have to say there are a lot of people that should not have driver licences let alone a car and a phone,Now for the rest of us that can multi task ask you self this can you use your phone and turn signals while watching your mirrors.I have over 600000 miles on a total of 4 work vans.I ran my business from my truck.I put a lot of miles that i cant count for in other vehicles.In short there are a lot of people that just cant drive and my insurance rates reflect the high rates.My wife has been hit 2 times not her fault and both of the other party's involved were on cell phones and blew red lights.And i don't mean just turned red now she so green light shy she waits to see if someone is going to blow the light.I'm sorry to say 3 times so far her waiting when the light turns green has saved her from tallying up more accidents.

But just to be fair screw big brother he screwing you..What goes around comes around ..and i'm still waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I recall when the federal government lowered the speed limit to 55. Yes, I hated 55 too. Any state that chose to not enforce it lost some federal funding. I can't recall any state that didn't fall in line.
Why are people so willing to give relinquish so much of our power, authority, and liberty to the federal government. Especially when traffic laws are the auspices of the various state governments.

By the way, the 55 MPH national speed limit was eliminated because it was a law that >>>"did not serve the people". Further, nearly every state allow motorists to top that speed limit by 10 MPH, and in some cases 15 MPH, simply because it wasn't a viable law, and largely unenforceable.

While the 55mph speed limit was in place. I drove from NJ to Ga, a few dozen times, and although I was cruising at 70 mph, I never once was issued a ticket for it, Further when I finally moved here, I ad a 102 mile drive to work each morning and a 102 miles drive home each night. That drive was between the north end of Atlanta and Macon, Ga. on I-75. Needless to say, my speed was well north of 55 MPH, and though I passed countless Georgia State Patrol cars, I had never been stopped during that 2 years period.

It became a law of discretion similar to seat belt laws. In other words, if the cop needed a reason to stop you...

In any case, the federal government is NOT the place for such a law. It's the auspices of the state, and that's where the law should stay.
You want this guy following you?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR1iUmq6ilA&feature=player_embedded"][ORIGINAL VIDEO] Multitasking While Driving - And You Thought Texting Was Bad - YouTube[/ame]
They need to outlaw stupidity. I was stopped at a light in downtown Denver last week and a pedestrian was crossing the street while texting. For some reason this moron just stopped in the middle of the street and continued to text. The light changed and after a few seconds I honked the horn. The guy got all irate and started cussing at me and hit the hood of my truck. He didn't see the cop on the corner that witnessed this incident. As I rolled away I shrugged my shoulders at the cop who was approaching the idiot to have a little talk with him.

As for cell phone use before the 90's we got along just fine without them. I have nothing that can't wait so shut up and drive.
They need to outlaw stupidity. I was stopped at a light in downtown Denver last week and a pedestrian was crossing the street while texting. For some reason this moron just stopped in the middle of the street and continued to text. The light changed and after a few seconds I honked the horn. The guy got all irate and started cussing at me and hit the hood of my truck. He didn't see the cop on the corner that witnessed this incident. As I rolled away I shrugged my shoulders at the cop who was approaching the idiot to have a little talk with him.

As for cell phone use before the 90's we got along just fine without them. I have nothing that can't wait so shut up and drive.

We all pay for people using cell phones with higher insurance premiums. Canada has done it so there is more than the USA on the same track.
Click on top bar on video to see the car and other pictures. This could be you family.
[ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/invisionaryphoto/273024195/"]Cell phone accident and my son was almost killed. The year was 2001. | Flickr - Photo Sharing![/ame]
Cell phone accident and my son was almost killed. The year was 2001.

This shows what happens when your hit by someone on a cell phone while driving!!! My wife was sitting at a redlight when a jerk talking on his hands free cell phone going at 50 MPH rear ended my wife because he was not paying attention to the road. Life is so much more important than a cell phone call!!!!!! My son suffered a severe brain injury in this accident and I have gone round and round with myself whether to post these pics. As a public announcement I have decided too, but it is heart wrenching for my wife and I to look at these and see the blood in the car and relive this moment. My oldest was the one in the accident, (Patrick) and as you can see in the pics I have posted he is doing fine now after a long 5 year road of doctors and therapy, and tutors. PLEASE, WHEN YOUR DRIVING PULL OVER TO HAVE THAT CONVERSATION, SAVE A LIFE BECAUSE IT COULD BE YOURS THAT YOUR SAVING. PS- By the way the driver of the Ford Expedition that was on his phone received a 200.00 fine and went on with his life. Think about that, but if my son would of died like he almost did the driver of the Ford was going to be charged with vehicular manslaughter.
I think the evidence supports that using cell phones cause accidents. 1.6 million crashes attributed to cell phones (besides all the ones that were never admitted to) has raised our insurance costs and we all pay for the lack of good judgement of some people. Plenty of innocent people's lives are changed forever by poor judgement.
Car Accidents Can be Prevented - Houston Texas Attornery Jim Walker

"Walker Texas Lawyer, a prominent Houston Personal Injury Attorney and Car Accident Lawyer discusses ways that motorists can prevent accidents. He encourages wearing seat belts, securing car seats for children and refraining from talking on the cell phone when navigating the busy streets of Houston."

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPEvnvTr3ZE&list=UUpJ4JwD48NGtGG-WU5k2oAg&index=2&feature=plcp"]Car Accidents Can be Prevented - Houston Attornery Jim Walker - YouTube[/ame]
The company I work for recognizes the dangers in driving while using a cell phone so it is against company policy to use a cell phone while operating any company vehicle or equipment. It is also against policy to use a company provided cell phone while operating any vehicle or equipment including your personal vehicle. You can be terminated for violating that policy.
I agree that not only cell phones cause distractions radios,multitasking,eating,ect. i don't see what's so important that you can't pull over or wait till you get where you are going.I hope they pass this i have had many close calls while folks do whatever while driving and my driver is a ram dually that's white can't tell me you did not see it. I'm not one to sue any one but if i get hit by one of these idiots i will sue their ***. Those of you who think this is an invation of your rights you could be their next victim think about it you could be mamed or killed by one of these folks then again you may do the same to someone else [god forbid], ya'll probly bitched about drug testing in the work place too,i see no problem with that either if you don't do it whats the problem [i'm a recovered drug abuser] i certainly would not want some body like i was driving a forklift near me back in the day. They put these laws in place to save lives [and to make money] if your a dumbass and get caught you pay sorry for your bad luck sooner or later you will learn. Those of us whom obey the law will be fine. Just my 2 cents.
Why not alter the program for texting and calling that it can not be done while the phone is in motion. Why not put the burden of making it safe on who is making the money on this privledge. Are they not called mobile phones. Lets make them so if your moving you cannot send or recieve. This is possible . But who would be making money on this feature. Lets see ? No one
Jeez. I don't even get this whole texting thing. We had that, it was called the telegraph then e-mail. We invented the telephone so we could talk to people. Then we got smart enough to go back to typing our messages (where we started). Each time these so called "upgrades" come along we pay an additional amount for the feature. On my latest phone (an "upgrade") I now can just talk and it converts it into text which I can send. Think about it............it's STUPID! If I wanted to talk I'd call them.
Who ever dreams this stuff up must be laughing their *** off. It's like their saying to their friends "Hey, watch this, I'm inventing a thing you can talk into which will convert to text, transmit and then it will turn back into voice on the other end and you watch how many idiots will pay for it". HELLO.........it's called a cell phone!