
This may sound strange but think about it.

We all have ego's and our own baggage that we bring with us everywhere we go.
My family has been headed for as long as I can remember by my Father who was/is a strong force for honor and integrity in our family.
I am the oldest Son and my Father is fading fast, so it is up to me to keep that legacy going in our family and this is how I handle it.
The following is my inner dialogue I use to maintain the frame of mind I need with my family and my friends alike.

"I am the force for honor and good that leads.
I am the bearer of the sword that can kill, or protect as I choose to use it.
It reminds me that I could easily behead any threat at any time I choose.
But choose only to use it to protect my family and friends.
If one of them needs to take something out on me, so be it as I know they do not really mean to hurt me.
I am the safe one to tread on, if you have to tread on someone.
I will not behead you for needing me, even though sometimes my ego may beg me to.
I will be here for you no matter the fight at hand because I have sworn to myself that this is who and what I will be for you."

This is the attitude I try to carry with me every day, and it is pretty damn hard to stick to it sometimes.
I also "loan" my sword when I see someone that needs it more than I do at the moment.

What a whacko huh? :-)
I don't think I have ever told anyone that before.

True words of wisdom.