People's comments

My 73' "Demonized" Dart Sport is painted Hemi orange and stands out so gets quite a bit attention. Had some rude "Chevy" guy at a car show walk by and say "yer cars ugly" to which I quickly responded "so are you but I could change the paint" ....stupid sour faced look and lurked away. I did find him later while eating lunch and kind of apologized for being harsh and we both got a laugh about it.
I was driving my Scamp down the road one day when I notice the guy coming towards me in a Chev pickup is giving me a thumbs down. I just gave him a finger up, figured we were about even.

I just hate when someone trys to tell you about your car when they don't know what they're talking about.
that would be the guy telling me I shouldn't have a Plymouth plate on the front of my Scamp since it's a Dodge.
Me: no, it's a Plymouth.
Him: NO IT ISN'T!!! IT'S A DODGE!!!!
Yeah, I think I know more about the car I've owned for 10 years than the guy seeing it for the first time. kthxby.