Cop rearends motorcycle and blames the rider

Needs to be more than fired in my book. "Cops" are the only effing industry in the COUNTRY where you get to threaten people, intimidate people, take up their time without their permission, all while carrying several substantial, not to mention deadly weapons systems.

"Drive normal?" Looked pretty normal to me!!!!

Having an onboard camera and posting this to Youtube?? freekin' priceless!!!!

well we could do away with cops and see how long things last then?

Technically cops aren't suppose to be "threatening people" at all, but you'd swear it was part of the job with asswipes like that. I think cops would have an about face on the image if departments would expel those idiots.

These kind of videos always make me regret getting a CJ degree. Who wants to work where your coworkers giving the public a certain perception. :snorting:

Hopefully the guy the bike rode himself down to the nearest lawyer. They were all going at a relatively slow merging speed. So the cop was giving the bike enough space or wasn't paying attention.

Also, if only this happened in Ca. I don't know about NV rear end laws, but in Ca, if you rear end someone, it is ALWAYS your fault. Because you are expected to maintain control of your vehicle regardless of traffic conditions.