Passed my exams!

While here in Saskatchewan, I figgered I wouldn't wait for the Town to put me through my Water Treatment and Water Distribution courses(would have to wait 5 or 6 months). I "challenged" the exams and studied on my own time. I saved the Town a couple grand and sped up my exams doing so. Passed with flying colors! 90 in WT and 86 in WD. Now just a matter of hours(approx. 600 more to go) for Level 1 Cert in Sask. When I was home in Ontario at Thanksgiving, I did the same thing(certified in 2 provinces looks good on resume). Although I couldn't write 2 exams in one day, so I wrote Water Treatment and got a 92. Not as dumb as I look I guess?? LOL Opens a lot more doors to apply for jobs now. Lets frickin hope home comes soon!!

Congrats!!!!!!!! :thumbup: