Passed my exams!



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
While here in Saskatchewan, I figgered I wouldn't wait for the Town to put me through my Water Treatment and Water Distribution courses(would have to wait 5 or 6 months). I "challenged" the exams and studied on my own time. I saved the Town a couple grand and sped up my exams doing so. Passed with flying colors! 90 in WT and 86 in WD. Now just a matter of hours(approx. 600 more to go) for Level 1 Cert in Sask. When I was home in Ontario at Thanksgiving, I did the same thing(certified in 2 provinces looks good on resume). Although I couldn't write 2 exams in one day, so I wrote Water Treatment and got a 92. Not as dumb as I look I guess?? LOL Opens a lot more doors to apply for jobs now. Lets frickin hope home comes soon!!
Congratulations Steve. That must be a great feeling. No doubt you would have been waiting on them, so going ahead yourself is a good idea.
First your storage is full and needs to be emptied.
5spdhardtop,congrats on the exams,and the best to you in your future exams.You quoted that ( I guess I am not as dump as I look) you not dump,it,s the close that you wear,a new wardrobe and a new hair cut and you will be fine,maybe some fancy glasses if you wear them and you will start looking hot,again congrats Mrmopartech
Thanks guys, going to do the same thing for the Ontario Water Distribution Exam.

Scott/MMT, I think my "hottie" days are behind me LOL. Thank God for alcohol

Good on ya for taking the initiative. That alone says a lot on a resume.
Also your e-mail is full. I was in Saskatchewan all last week and I sent you a note but got an error. I posted a thread but you missed it.

Maybe next time.

you ain't pretty enough to spank me bud! Lol

LOL, a little makeup could do wonders!


Good on ya for taking the initiative. That alone says a lot on a resume.
Also your e-mail is full. I was in Saskatchewan all last week and I sent you a note but got an error. I posted a thread but you missed it.

Maybe next time.


Shi**Y, sorry Pete...I missed that thread and you too. I was actually back in Ontario for my days off visiting Pops. I was gone Thurs-Mon. Im stuck here till Christmas now. Soooo whadya tink of Saskatchatoon??