
That's a lot of quality work. I don't have any tattoos but it's real art when done right.

I have a question though and this is an honest, non-judgmental one I've often wondered about. Just something I've always been curious about- why so many guys in our town (like 80%) have tattoos of various frightening skulls and really terrifying looking creatures. The artwork is very intricate, detailed and quite nice but I'm not sure I'd want to look at that every time I look at my body. It's pretty dark in a lot of peoples minds. Without delving too deep into a person's psyche, what makes you choose something like that to place permanently on yourself. It's all legit artwork but why that in particular? It's not a question I might walk up to a stranger on the street and ask.

Honestly it is all about the individual. A lot of times a tattoo means nothing, was an impulse or something really simple. Other times the tattoo will have meaning in one way or another (sometimes they have more than one) to the person.

Currently I have one "dark" tattoo and people always make rude comments about it, but if they were to ask the story behind it, would find out it actually has a very positive meaning for me.