Mike's '67 Fastback Featuring Super Slow Progress

As far as the statement of "do it my way",,,,, rock on!!!!!! That's the part of this hobby I really enjoy, making it my own!!!

When I grew up my grandpa had loads of antique cars which were perfectly restored, won a bunch of show with some, the best was a Bantam pickup. He had Model A's, Hupmobiles, MG's all kinds of different stuff. I truly appreciate numbers matching complete factory restorations. I had intentions of doing this one that way as well. My biggest personal hurdle for starting this over the years was the cost to fuel the thing once it was completed. Now with modern engines being easier to drop in and getting modernish mpg, I'm in. And as long as I am changing the engine, might as well change some other things to make it more comfortable. To bad this one didn't have A/C though.

cuda sitting in the garage isnt hurting anything, just gaining value....better than stocks or bonds....

Only cost me $1000 ten years ago, then it was drivable too.