Mopar values/opinions on the markets future.

I hope you do, but don't underestimate life's curve balls like marriage, kids, career changes etc... Saving for retirement now can put you in a good position for buying high end muscle cars when your in your late 40's 50's.

Already married, no kids yet, currently going through a career change (living in dad's basement for the time being and helping them with their chicken house till our 2 are up and going) we'll be making MUCH better money once the farm is in operation than when we were both working away AND I'll be home all the time!! People ask me what I do and I tell em I'm semi retired! It's awesome!! So yea, if this keeps up I think I'll have a few classics for a long time.

*Edit* All that being said, I know what you mean... I sold my Scamp to get married so I know live can change things we didn't think it would.