building pole barns in the sky

Go the biggest size you can fit and afford! You'll never regret that. Siting #1 is where I would put it (based on the limited info you presented). Get it close to the existing driveway but not too tight on the site (like too close to other buildings). Good luck!

part of this thread is to figure out cost
we havent set a budget yet, because we never dealt with this before
were hoping to close on the house 1-31-17 so everything is pipedreams for now

LOL, the wife wanting her garage is exactly how I got my shop!

My hiding place!

spend a few minutes looking this over, nice
i wonder what the price difference in height would be
i wasnt thinking of putting in a mezzanine but it might not be a bad idea...i wonder though, would it be cheaper to go up higher and add a second floor, or would it be cheaper to expand the footprint?

i understand the two are different types of floorspace but i dont know if putting a mezzanine in would be the best option or not

My 30X40 filled up fast. One consideration on placement would be if you plan a bathroom and relative to where the septic is for hookup.

i had not thought of that
pretty silly not to, since i will want to be able to wash my hands after working on whatever is in there

If you get up this way, stop by! I've got a 40x40. Depending on how much stuff you have, it's got a lot of room. I've got my duster and sandrail in there, along with my tractor, lawn mower, and a lot of parts. A lot of my parts are on racks, so they are up off the floor.

man, ive been meaning too
we will be there the weekend of February 17
ill make it a point not to forget this time