8 3/4 Save or trash???

It won't Solder worth a damn.

But it braze quite nicely. That's a solution I hadn't thought of before. I'd trust that more than jb weld. With a good experienced welder, they could braze the entire pitted surface and it would probably be pretty smooth too.

And the gold look would be tits under there

Yeah I brazed a leaker up this one time. And then it cracked beside the braze, or ahead or in a new spot,or where-ever;and I had to go through the whole procedure again. Only to see new cracks appear. After about, IDK 4 or 5 tries, I more or less won.I used up a lot of rod tho. I shoulda hired a pro the first time, I guess,lol.
Swat I got fer being a cheepazz.
But I still have that rear under an 84 D-100.