Thoughts on this Gauge Issue

You could easily and likely screwed up both of them. This would be a GREAT time to rebuild the cluster, in other words yank it out of there and inspect and fix any problems. These have a habit of developing multiple problems

In my own 67 there were several:

The IVR was bad

The IVR SOCKET was bad.......the spring contacts were not making connection with the board traces

Several of the harness connector pins were loose or broken. In my case I eliminated the factory connector, soldered pigtails to the traces, and installed a pair of Molex connectors

The nuts holding the gauge studs were corroded. Loosen/ tighten them two-three times, consider replacing with "real" nuts

The board traces around the socket contacts were grimy, and the socket contacts got bent outwards for better contact. At least one bulb was blown

YOU SHOULD ADD a ground pigtail. Solder a wire to a ground point (or screw) and run it to the dash frame or column support

Here is a good thread on cluster PC board cluster repair

Printed circuit pins repair

As an example from above, here's a magnificent repair of the IVR socket:
