Product Compatibility Questions

I'm getting stuff together start working on the body of my Duster clone. I bought this primer:
I bought epoxy because I don't want any rust to start on this long term project. I read a book about bodywork after I bought the primer. (whoops) This one:
The author stresses using products from the same maker, to be sure they all get along. I understand that.
Did I screw up by getting this primer? What about reducer? For that matter, what type of paint should I use? (Lacquer, enamel, urethane?) It's been 25 years since I did work like this. I think I need to learn more before I go on. Back then, lacquer was "out", enamel w/ a hardener (so it could be sanded and buffed) was in. Now I'm not sure what to use. I don't have a place to paint, other than priming and doing jambs, trunk, etc. But I want to prep with the right (compatible) stuff.
I have been buying on the web because there are no body supply stores around here. I could possibly go to the local body shop that fixed a dent in my truck and ask if he'd guide me tp the right products. -Expecting him to mark them up, of course.
Speed, is back , at it :) Did you get a PRODUCT DATA SHEET , with that primer ? IT : should give you : Recommendations on spray guns, air pressure, caps ( new,to you,and me ), reducing levels ,and ..all the goodies. IF USUING A TRUE GOOD H.V.L.P ...The normal 3/8 " inch air hose ,doesn't fit anymore. LOOK for "High flow HVLP pipe fittings " , and ask lots of questions about what you think about what you actually buy ,before you do.