Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yep, supposed to be! But I always use jack stands also anyway.
Usually do. Especially if doing much wrenching or actually getting my body under the car. I'll do stuff like oil change with just ramps.
Hey folks.
Yo Anders. Long time no see.
And Monday rears it head once again!
That means its Coffee time again. Yay!. LOL

Good morning Good morning it is snowing here dang it.
Chance of flakes here, but not going to amount to anything. Mid 70's by the end of the week. :thumbsup:
I am so behind with the hops cant get out there to do what I want might just say F it this year again.
More time to work on the house. :poke:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: It's always hot for Carlisle. Right @halifaxhops ?
Might be snow this year the way its going...
Yep, work. Then there is the dog's insulin needs also.
Let the pooch camp at the vet. We rarely do that, but going out of town in a couple weeks...$27 per night.
Might go up to the junkyard Friday
Man I need to do a junkyard run! Don't even need anything. Just need my 'fix' as a junkyard junky. Been too long. LOL
Mostly just blood work. I had to fast for the cholesterol test....They will want to put me on cholesterol meds which make my joints ache. That's the reason why I went to the Dr. in the first place. Vicious circle. If you hurt, you take Ibuprofen. If you take too much it's bad on your liver. Aint it great to get old. :lol:
Need to go give the vampires a sample. Been a year since I had it checked. I'm 2 years off of Lipitor (after many on it)and rarely get cramps anymore. No interest in going back to that...

welded it without cracking it and I said aw heck everybody knows ya' can't weld cast iron.
I did the post on a big cast bird feeder that was broke by a bear at my FIL's place. Been holding fine for several years now.

Good Morning