LCA doesn't look right

Hi Charlie,

I am curious, did the spare LCA prove the other was bent? I just saw this thread but I think the best way to unbend the old LCA would be cutting loose the retainer tab from the top of the bad LCA and then straighten it before you weld it back again. It all depends on how the bushing will align, it must be at 90 degree.

I have a similar issue with my Dart... Looking to the front end of the LCA struts where the rubber bushings are, the left side nut is tightened till the end and the bushing does not look compressed as the one on the right side.
Took all suspension parts off to rebuild it and the LCAs look quite straight.
Still trying to figure it out. I guess after I press the bushing and put back the LCA I will find out if I need to replace it.

Suspension and frame work, cracked LCA, advice welcome
I never got to the point of installing strut rods with the old LCA. It looked bad enough just pinned through the K member that I didn't want to use it. So, I have no answer to what you're seeing with the strut rod bushings.
The trouble I had with a bent LCA was that it didn't really look bent until I got the pin stabbed through the k member and tightened down. At that point, I could see a real inclination toward the front of the car. The LCA was not going to rotate in a plane perpendicular to the track of the car; it was always going to have a severe toe in. When I installed the spare LCA I had, it lined up like it should. I still can't look at the bad LCA and tell where the deformed part is. It's just subtle until it's installed. That being said, I wouldn't begin to know how to straighten it; can't even tell where it's bent!