Smart glass...dumb engineering.

I have two of the new generation Dodge Challengers, a 2011 black one and a 2012 red one. They both have the smart glass feature where the glass drops when you pull the handle to let the door open. After doing research to see what's supposed to be smart about it they say it cuts down on wind noise. But they never thought about them freezing shut which is a big problem and this morning my battery was dead, the cheap plastic switches go bad in them and the window jumps up and down until it kills the battery. This happened a few year ago and the dealer sold me two new switches for 97 cent's, went back today and now you can't buy the switches anymore and they want $94.00 for the whole latch just to get the switch. Way to go Fiat Chrysler! All these new electronics are overwhelming, cheap build quality the new cars are like bic lighters get a few years out of them and throw them away!

@Cope has a GREAT solution to this.

Hemi Dart window regulators.