Big *** Spider

Along about the first rain of the year in the fall the tarantulas head for higher ground. It makes for an interesting motorcycle ride on the back country roads. Kinda like running over a big glob of Crisco :steering:
We saw a grip of them in Texas one night. F'n wild sight. They were all crossing the road, like 50 of them in as many feet. Dad got out in the headlights and ran through them while mom was screaming at him to get back in the car, funny time. We get pretty fat spiders making webs between the cars, trash cans, anything less than 5 feet across usually has a spider in the fall morning. Have to be careful wakling out to the truck in the morning. Don't like 'em at all. I see 10 black or brown widows a day in my phone boxes. Almost every one has one in it or an egg sack.