Big *** Spider



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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I love spiders as long as they don't get on me. The only ones I've ever killed "just to kill" were black widows and brown recluses. This here is a brown wolf spider. It's a whopper john. That's a TWO BY SIX it's sittin on. I'm leavin her be because she'll kill and eat all kinda other pesky varmints. We grow um big in Jones County. lol

Wow that is big! We have ones here I'm not sure what they are but they get big like that. I caught one one time that filled up the bottim of a Mason jar! It was huge! I hate spiders! But not as bad as I hate mosquitoes so I let them live! I also hate mice ugh they give me the creeps
I love spiders as long as they don't get on me. The only ones I've ever killed "just to kill" were black widows and brown recluses. This here is a brown wolf spider. It's a whopper john. That's a TWO BY SIX it's sittin on. I'm leavin her be because she'll kill and eat all kinda other pesky varmints. We grow um big in Jones County. lol

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They are coal black here , had hoards of them under the wood pile from the ice storm from a few yrs. back. Took me 3 yrs to get the wood cut and yard cleaned up.
They were bigger than the ones in the pic. First time I ever saw any, pretty scary looking , killed every one I could----------if they want to eat bugs and such , they need to do it somewhere else !
Wolf Spider I think?
I have a thing for spiders as well.
They are patient and industrious.
How do they make those webs?
God only knows.
When I see the orb spiders have grown big and their webs are spectacular, I'm happy.
Fall is in sight.
Gawd I hate hot summers here.

I hate spiders. I see it in my house, it's dead. I'll move the couch, bed, whatever it takes to get it.
I hate spiders. I see it in my house, it's dead. I'll move the couch, bed, whatever it takes to get it.

I have a platter w/ dish soap and water, setting under a nite light by my front door, about any insect will go to the light and jump up to it, and fall into the soapy water, ''end of insect". They haven`t been as bad this yr so far, wonder if they drowned in all the rain we had ! lol
I have a platter w/ dish soap and water, setting under a nite light by my front door, about any insect will go to the light and jump up to it, and fall into the soapy water, ''end of insect". They haven`t been as bad this yr so far, wonder if they drowned in all the rain we had ! lol

Why not just close the door at night?
Along about the first rain of the year in the fall the tarantulas head for higher ground. It makes for an interesting motorcycle ride on the back country roads. Kinda like running over a big glob of Crisco :steering:
I love spiders as long as they don't get on me. The only ones I've ever killed "just to kill" were black widows and brown recluses. This here is a brown wolf spider. It's a whopper john. That's a TWO BY SIX it's sittin on. I'm leavin her be because she'll kill and eat all kinda other pesky varmints. We grow um big in Jones County. lol
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Is that outside? I just try to keep them out of the house. We do get some big’ns Too. I’d rather have a dozen of them than one of these. ( pic taken right before it died)

I have a platter w/ dish soap and water, setting under a nite light by my front door, about any insect will go to the light and jump up to it, and fall into the soapy water, ''end of insect". They haven`t been as bad this yr so far, wonder if they drowned in all the rain we had ! lol
Spiders are not insects
View attachment 1715374358 this was in my kitchen fighting my dachshund.

Yup, that's it. We have a battery of cats inside, so God help anything that's not feline that gets in the house. We've dead spiders, scorpions, the occasional roach, but the really weird thing........and good thing is since we've been out here in 2002, we've seen maybe three mice........or what's left. Really strange. I think somehow mice "know" when they get in the house they've made a mistake so they spread the word somehow. lol I love my cats.
Is that outside? I just try to keep them out of the house. We do get some big’ns Too. I’d rather have a dozen of them than one of these. ( pic taken right before it died)

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Yeah now I caint stand them sumbitches. What is it I've seen them called? Flyin assholes. Yeah <snort> That's a goodun.
we have tons of those wolf spiders and they get big.Get one in the open and wave a stick near it and it will raise up its' front two legs and head aggressively towards the stick.
...and they are fast running their prey down!
We have a lot of wolf spiders here, they ride their little ones around on their backs, one came in the lab at work one time and Julia a girl I used to work with hit it with a broom and little spiders went everywhere, I don't like to kill them because they are harmless, like Rob said they help thin out other bad bug's.
Every day I see 5-6 black widows, never been bit by one though. They just love my phone boxes.
I have a platter w/ dish soap and water, setting under a nite light by my front door, about any insect will go to the light and jump up to it, and fall into the soapy water, ''end of insect". They haven`t been as bad this yr so far, wonder if they drowned in all the rain we had ! lol
We put a pan of soapy water in the bedroom with a candle in the middle. catch 5-30 fleas a night when the little bastards are parking on my dog. I think we killed the cycle as we dont have an issue anymore.
Rusty don't like spiders and snakes and that what it takes to...……………………………………………………. ! lol
The only good spider is a dead spider. same with wasp and yellowjackets.