318 LA rebuild after losing a valve seat

The only thing I changed was to remove the timing set and rotate the cam gear so that when installed, both gears lined up at 12. I'm going to look and see where the pistons are when the gears are both at 12 o'clock.

Thanks George, I did get the oil slinger and eccentric installed, I just didn't post pics. Another thing I did was drill an oiler hole in one of the cam thrust plate bolts, as I saw in another build thread here.

BTW, now I get the joke from post 118... :lol:

OK, this may be where your valve clearance problem lies.

You want to make sure you have #1 cylinder up at TDC on compression stroke, that is both valves fully closed . . Both cam lobes on that cylinder should be pointing down towards the oil pan.

Crank gear at 12 o'clock, cam gear at 12 o'clock, line them up with a straight edge across the cam gear down to the crank gear.

The big thing here is you have got to have #1 up on compression stroke on TDC while doing this.